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I don't know why I decided to update because I thought I wouldn't till after my exams :P but since I'm done studying for the day, here's a short chapter to say goodbye till the 24th!


Shivaay had always been an early riser. Waking up early was the first thing in the list of to do's to become successful and he had followed this rule since as long as he could remember. Unlike most people, he had never felt the urge to have just 10 more minutes of sleep, or the need to sleep in on a Sunday because there was nothing else to do. There was always something to do. The more you hustled, the more you achieved, and for Shivaay Singh Oberoi, achievement was everything.

Today, though, the case was entirely different. Today, Shivaay was reclining on his bed at leisure, no thoughts of getting up anytime soon occurring in his head. Because you see, today, he was more observed in staring at a certain person sleeping beside him than he could be in anything else.

Holding himself up on one elbow, a small smile playing on his lips, Shivaay took his own sweet time in examining the gorgeous facial features Annika possessed. The way her long lashes fanned her high cheek-bones, her plump lips parted slightly, her forehead creased a little as if she was frowning even in her dreams. Shivaay chuckled at the last one.

As much as he would like to lay as it were and gawk at her the entire day, he knew they would have to get up soon. She had loads to do since the sangeet was tomorrow, and he had an important video conference with Japanese delegates to attend to. Sighing, he leaned in closer and slightly nuzzling his beard against her soft cheeks, sought to wake her up.

"Annika," He called out, voice slightly raspy from having just woken up. No response, as expected.

"Baby?" He called out again, and she could slightly whimpered in return before snuggling closer into him. Shivaay closed his eyes- they had been cuddling all throughout the night and his hormones were raging as they were. Having her bare legs brush against his pajama-clad were doing him no good, and it was taking everything in him to not pull another one of those reckless stunts and kiss her in her half-conscious states again.

"Sweetheart?" He tried again, brushing a few strands of hair away from her face. When still, she didn't wake up, he knew what he would have to do. Getting up from the bed, he grabbed the jug of water kept on the end-table, and was about to bring doom upon himself by throwing the water on her for the second time that week, when-


Shivaay almost had a heart-attack at the sudden yell, and keeping the jug down, he clutched at his wildly beating heart before turning towards the wild woman now sitting upright on his bed, looking like she could kill.

"God, woman- do you plan on killing me?" He cried, finally calming down. Annika narrowed her eyes at him.

"I should be killing you, mister- what the hell were you planning to do with that water?"

Shivaay smiled sheepishly.

"Oh, that? I was just about to drink water. When did you wake up? You were just sleeping," He added with a frown.

Annika stretched lazily before replying.

"I was awake all along. It was funny to see you trying to wake me up," She giggled. Shivaay's eyes widened. Thank God he hadn't thought of kissing her again, or he would surely have died today...

Shaking his head at her antics, he went to sit beside her on the bed.

"And how did you wake up so early today?" He asked, and Annika shrugged.

"I don't know. Maybe because of all your snoring?" She said seriously, and Shivaay looked flabbergasted.

"W-what nonsense? I DO NOT snore, okay? That is just-"

"Jeez, Shivaay," Annika gasped in between her laughing, "I was kidding. Calm down!"

In retaliation of her stupid joke, Shivaay scooted closer to her and started tickling her waist, taking her by surprise. By the time Annika managed to pry away his hands, she was a laughing, gasping mess.

"Baggad Billa," She muttered under breath, pressing her lips together to hide her smile as she saw him scowl at the name.

"Anyway, now that you're awake, you should go get fresh. Wouldn't want anyone to know you were in my room last night, do you?" He asked, a mischievous glint in his eyes. Annika just smacked him with a pillow.

"I should get ready too, I have a video conference to attend," He said with a sigh, making no move to get up.

"Aww, my poor baby," Annika cooed, pulling his cheeks. "Always has to work."

"I know, right?" Shivaay agreed sadly. "And what do I get in return? Not even a good morning kiss from my girlfriend!" He complained, making Annika laugh.

"Awh, you only had to ask!" She said, leaning forward and placing a loud smack on his cheek.

"Someone's in a good mood this morning," Shivaay said, impressed. Annika shrugged.

"Maybe it's because of waking up next to you," She winked, and Shivaay widened his eyes. He didn't know why she was being so flirty all of a sudden, but he was enjoying it immensely.

"Well in that case, don't you think you should turn waking up next to me into a habit?" Shivaay asked, pulling her closer by the waist. Annika giggled, a slight blush adorning her cheeks at what his words implied.

"Don't you have to get ready, mister?" Annika raised an eyebrow, and Shivaay nodded with a sigh.

"When's the video conference?"

"In about half an hour," Shivaay answered.

"How about," Annika started, after thinking for a moment, "You go take a shower, and meanwhile, I'll take out your clothes for the day and also arrange your breakfast? It'll be faster that way."

Shivaay pondered over it for a while. Mind you, he wasn't wondering if this was  a good idea- because of course it was- but marveling at how good it felt to be pampered by her. A goofy grin on his face, he nodded, and Annika jumped down from the bed. Opening his vast wardrobe, she started rummaging through his plethora of suits, a cute, concentrated expression on her face. Shivaay leaned back with his palms flat against the bed, looking at her and relishing in this feeling of acting like such a natural couple.

"How about this one?" Annika asked excitedly, holding up a royal blue suit. "It'll match your kanji aankhen!"

Shivaay smiled, and getting up, he held her by the waist.

"Whatever you like, babe," He said, and she smiled widely.

"Done then, you're wearing this." Moving away from his hold, she kept the suit neatly on the bed, and came towards him again only to push him towards the washroom.

"Go now, take a shower quickly! I'll be back with your breakfast." Saying so, she was about to leave the room, but he pulled her back by the wrist.

"Wanna join me in the shower?" He asked in a seductive voice, a naughty grin on his face, and Annika turned red.

"G-god, you cheapde! Aapka kuch nahi ho sakta!"

This time, as she ran away from the room, Shivaay only stared at her from behind and laughed, shaking his head at his own stupid antics.


Yes yes, I know, filler. But exams, so.

I'll miss you all! Especially you itsvinisha! (mazna4501 toh is as MIA as I am these days :P)  But I'll be back soon after the 24th for sure

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