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The movie finished and so did Annika's agony, or so she thought. It wasn't that she wasn't enjoying the flirting by Shivaay, because what would be a blatant lie. But she didn't know how to respond to it and that didn't sit well with her. For example, a while back he had casually taken her hand again and brought it up to his lips to place a soft kiss on her palm, eyes fixed on the screen all the while. Annika had barely been able to keep in her gasp of surprise, and had blushed a beetroot red, thankful that the hall was dark. The spot he had kissed still felt all tingly.

"Great movie, huh?" Shivaay asked as they all got up, credits rolling on the screen.

"Yeah, it was." Annika replied, and wondered if he had indeed been talking about the movie or particularly what he had been upto during the movie. He smiled at her cheekily and she knew it was the latter. Chatting, they all made their way outside, and Mayank approached Annika to say good-bye. An entirely 'friendly' good bye, of course, since Shivaay's gaze was following his every move as he came towards them.

"Bye, Annika. Thanks for inviting me," He said, wary of Shivaay and keeping a distance.

"You're most welcome, Mayank. It was great having you." Annika said with a genuine smile. He waved goodbye to everyone else, nodded at Shivaay curtly, and left.

"Did something happen between you two during intermission?" Annika asked Shivaay with a frown. Shivaay looked at her and pretended to be surprised at the question.

"No, why would you think so?"

"It's just-" Before she could complete, however, Rudra came towards them and wound an arm around Annika's shoulders.

"Come on, Sunshine. Time for dinner!" He said excitedly. They had made plans to go to an Indian restaurant nearby, as it was Annika and Om's favorite cuisine. They made their way towards the restaurant, which was in walking distance.

"By the way, Bhaiya," Rudra started with a gleam in his eyes when they had all settled down, "what was with the whole 'boyfriend' thing, huh? You were being so possessive, as if Annika didi is your actual girlfriend!"

"Uh-huh, I rebuke," Om put in, "Shivaay has never shown possessiveness over any of his actual girlfriends at all!" 

Annika giggled at their teasing, and leaned in towards Shivaay who was fuming at his brothers.

"I thought you were a very possessive man, Mr.Oberoi," She whispered, quoting him from earlier.

Shivaay glared at his brothers one last time before turning towards her. 

"Only for you, Miss Annika," He said huskily, and stared deep into her eyes. The rest of them looked on as these two got in one of their eye-lock moments, neither of them looking away and getting something akin to deep passion in their eyes. They didn't want to break the spell, and watched on in awe at these two tadibaaz who were too oblivious to realize their feelings even with the sparks that always flew around them. The spell was alas broken when the waiter arrived with their food, and the two of them looked away awkwardly.

"Ugh, this is so oily," Shivaay remarked with distaste as he served some Mix Curry on to his plate. Annika of course rolled her eyes at his nakhre noor jahan ke.

"You won't die if you have a bit of oil for one day. It may revive your dead taste buds." She said, making everyone else laugh. Shivaay glowered at her, and she stuck her tongue out at him. They all had dinner merrily, teasing each other, laughing away, and having an over all good time.

"Try this," Annika said to Shivaay while forwarding some tomato soup towards him, and fed him herself with her spoon.

"you have something on you chin," Shivaay told her as he wiped away some oil smudged on her jawline. 

The rest of them again looked on in awe as these two acted like an adorable couple, all the while without realizing it.

"If this is the case now," Rudra said, as Shivaay fed a morsel of naan to Annika with his hands because she wanted to try his Daal Makhani "what will happen when they actually start dating?"

"I don't know," Saumya said as she too looked on dreamily, "but whatever it will be, it'll be magical."

When they finished their dinner and also dessert because Annika had a sweet tooth and it was Rudra's cheat day, they all went out and Shivaay told everyone to go back home using the other car Khanna had brought, while he dropped Annika home.

"Of course, Bhaiya," Said Rudra, "Don't take too long though, you've already had too much dessert!" Shivaay and Annika blushed at the innuendo while the rest of them walked away laughing.

"Yeh Rudra bhi na," Shivaay muttered as he and Annika walked towards his car. They had almost made it to their car when they came across a group of three boys talking amongst themselves, but stopped when they spotted Shivaay and Annika. Or just Annika, specifically. They started checking her out and while she herself was oblivious to it, Shivaay of course noticed. His blood started boiling again and he suddenly pulled her closer by the waist, making her stumble against him. They boys looked away catching the glare of the older man, and Shivaay smirked in satisfaction. Annika scowled up at him.

"What is wrong with you, today?" She asked him, and Shivaay knew she was referring to the random touches. Oh, if only she knew he how jealous and possessive he became when it came to her.

"Nothing," he shrugged, and they got into the car. Annika turned on the radio and turned it off again as soon as Bheege honth tere started playing, like it once had before. They had come a long way since then but Annika still of course blushed, and Shivaay smirked at her obvious discomfort. They talked a bit about the upcoming Business Event that was just one day away now, and Annika said she would come by the next day to rehearse over everything one last time. They reached her house and Annika said a hasty good bye, but Shivaay stopped her before she could leave the car.

"Aren't you forgetting something?" He asked her, an eyebrow raised. Annika furrowed her brows.

"What?" She asked, clueless. Shivaay, instead of replying, tapped his index finger to his cheek twice, and Annika's mouth fell open, mortified.

"W-what are you trying to imply?" She asked, crossing her arms and twisting her mouth.

"Oh come on, not like you didn't kiss me yesterday," he said with a wink. Annika's cheeks turned pink.

"Well, that's because you were being Sweet Singh Oberoi yesterday. Today, you've been nothing short of Mr. BAGGAD BILLA SINGH OBEROI!" She practically yelled. Shivaay frowned.

"What did I do?" He asked, narrowing his eyes at her.

"Oh please, don't act so innocent. Baggad Billa karhika." Muttering the last bit to herself, Annika quickly made her way out of the car and into her house, lest he stop her again. Shivaay stared after her, grinning like a Cheshire cat, thinking how fun indeed it was to annoy this Junglee Billi of his.

 This entire Dating Charade was going to be an immensely amusing journey, he could tell, seeing how his companion was this delectable woman with whom nothing was ever boring.

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