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Most of this chapter was once again written when I sat in traffic. For 3.5 fucking hours. So like, I wasn't in my best form while writing it.

Thanks a bunch to everyone who reached out to me and told me about the rituals. Love y'all 😘

Also, thanks to everyone who's voted for my stories at the awards that's going on right now. A taaad bit disappointed that this book wasn't nominated in the final list but oh well, I know you guys love it, all the same ❤❤


So far, Annika's plan of distancing herself from Shivaay had been going good. She and Gauri had stayed for lunch, after which they had left to meet caterers. Annika hadn't said goodbye to Shivaay then, knowing very well he would throw a fit about that later. But she had to do so, and maybe eventually he would get the message that she was trying to, sort of, avoid him. Well, it wouldn't be possible to avoid him in front of the family since they would need to put up the charade, but when they were alone- and that's when her attachment to him grew the most- she would need to be distant, as much as possible. In fact, what if they lessened their frequent meetings and late-night talking all together? The very thought made her heart clench, but she would have to be strong now, so that she didn't break down later.

With this very thought in mind, Annika had been ignoring his calls for the past couple of hours. When she and Gauri had been out and working, she had sent him a text stating that she was busy, which had stopped the calls, but only for a while. Annika knew that Shivaay had this obsessive need to know about her whereabouts all the time, to make sure she was safe. Otherwise, he went mad with worry. Keeping that in mind, Annika had, upon reaching home, sent him a message saying so.

And then, his calls had started again.

Signing deeply, Annika absent-mindedly stirred the rice boiling on the stove. She desperately wanted to talk to Shivaay, but kept telling herself that it was all for the greater good. A short term loss now would result in her long term benefit, and prepare her for the life after this charade. She wondered if she was overthinking, and if ignoring him was such a good decision, especially given that they would be meeting so frequently from now on due to the Shaadi. Shaking these second thoughts away, she urged herself to stick to the plan.

Remember, Annika, this is all to avoid a heartbreak. Distance yourself from him gradually, so that the sudden 'break up', when it comes, won't ruin you.

Repeating this like a mantra in her head, Annika continued making dinner. As she sat down to eat, she realized that her phone hadn't vibrated in quite a while, even though it had continuously been doing so since she had reached him, due to Shivaay's endless calls. Checking her phone, she saw that he hadn't called in around 20 minutes. Furrowing her brows, Annika wondered what had happened. She was avoiding him, of course, but that didn't mean he would avoid her too! Annika's slightly wounded ego wondered if he had gotten tired of chasing her and given up. Well, that would definitely make things easier, but-

Before Annika could complete her thoughts, there was a knock on the door. And instantly, Annika knew why he hadn't called.

Because he had been too busy driving over to her place.

Frozen, Annika sat on the chair even as Shivaay kept on knocking on the door without any break. Him showing up like this only made her plan backfire. How would she possibly ignore the man if he showed up at her house every chance he got? Not that she was complaining.

And that was the problem, you see. Annika absolutely loved it when he showed up at her house,uninvited, like he had every right to do so. This was just going to make her life even harder.

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