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Y'all, check out the new cover for the story- a lovely gift from the even lovelier Amyra (ImLittleMissComplicated) Thankyou for this, love!

Also, you guys notice how I'm a day early? The reason being, this is sort of a bonus chapter, since I wasn't planning on continuing with Shivika's day spent together. But most of you wanted to read further, so here you go- hope you like it!


Annika thought Shivaay would leave once they were done with lunch, one which Sahil lavished much to her annoyance, but he settled himself comfortably on her couch again and watched as Sahil indulged in a new game of Cricket. Along with the Play Station Shivaay had gotten many game CDs too, most of which were sports games and Sahil loved them, more so because he couldn't play them in real life. Annika too didn't rebuke him saying his eyes would go bad because she knew he would start his fake crying over how this was the only time he would get to play sports and feel like a normal kid. Annika cursed herself at times for being so dramatic herself and thus making her little brother pick up on it.

"Do the family know you're here?" Annika asked Shivaay as she sat down beside him, and he instantly put an arm around her shoulder. Annika realized that she would have to get used to these random touches of his from now on, since he was far from stopping, and scooted closer. He smiled widely at her action.

"Om and Rudra know, and I'm pretty sure they would have told everyone in the house by now, including the staff." Annia giggled at that. She involuntarily rested her head on his shoulder, and they both just observed Sahil in silence, his fingers playing with the soft locks of her hair.

There was a sudden knock on the door, and despite much protest from Annika, Shivaay insisted on opening it. It was a friend of Sahil, who had come to call him to play outside.

"I can't come now," Sahil shouted, eyes not moving from the screen, "I'm playing in my PS4."

His friend's eyes widened at the name of PS4, while Annika frowned at Sahil's words. She gave a 'this is all your fault' type scowl to Shivaay.

"Oh no mister, don't think that you can stay holed up in the house all day now that you have a PS4. This is your time to play outside, so go with Arush!"

Sahil gave her a pout.

" But Didi, I'm winning the match!" He whined, referring to his cricket game. One angry stare from Annika, though, had him turning off the device in a jiffy, and accompanying his friend outside. Shivaay gave him an apologetic look before closing the door.

"Nice tactic, darling," Shivaay said with an impressed look as he took his earlier position beside her. Annika looked at him in confusion.

"What are you talking about?"

Shivaay gave a cheeky grin while answering.

"Oh, you know. Just that you sent Sahil away with his friend so we could be alone in the house."

Annika gasped at that, and smacked him on the arm, while Shivaay laughed. He put his arm around her again, and Annika gave in after much wriggling. He smelled amazing, she noticed, and snuggled closer into his embrace unknowingly.

"Did you see today's newspaper?" Shivaay asked.

"No," Annika replied, before- " Why, was there any mention of me?" She asked, getting panicky.

Shivaay assured her, with a chuckle, that it was nothing like that.

"The media people kept their word and only referred to you as "Shivaay Singh Oberoi's gorgeous new girlfriend," he said, and Annika blushed, " they mentioned that you're an absolute delight, too." He said fondly, and Annika all but hid her face in his chest.

"I wanted to thank you once again," Shivaay told her after a while, and Annika looked up. "For doing this. I know this must be hard for you, to do this when you're just starting with your new work, and it means a lot to me. The media and business world in general have finally stopped talking about how we were on the verge of being fooled by the Kapoors, and it's all thanks to you."

After his little speech, he looked down at Annika, who was looking up at him with a smile playing on her lips.

"Ho gaya aapka?" She asked, and when Shivaay nodded, she continued. "Now listen to me- you don't need to say thankyou to me again and again. I'm doing this because I genuinely want to help you and the family, and not as a favor. I've gotten a lot of love from each and every member of the family, Shivaay, so this is the least I can do for them. So don't embarrass me by being grateful, okay?" She asked, and Shivaay nodded with a loving smile. He pressed a hard kiss on her forehead, and pulled her closer to him again.

"You're an angel, you know that?" He asked her, and she smiled.

"I do," Annika replied, making him smile. Shivaay laughed at her cuteness. They stayed like that for a long while, in silence, basking in each other's company. After a while, Shivaay heard the sound of light snoring coming from her way, and realized she had fallen asleep in his arms. This girl could really fall asleep anywhere, at any time, eh? Smirking, he thought of a way to wake her up.

"Annika," he whispered into her ear, and she only squirmed. Seeing the opportunity, he rubbed his nose lightly along the length of her neck. She smelled intoxicating, and Shivaay had to keep a check on himself and not lose his senses.

"Annika," he whispered again, his voice huskier now, and Annika slowly opened her eyes. She was surprised to see that his face was extremely close to hers, and she touched the exposed part of skin on her neck. It felt like it was burning, and she instantly knew he had touched her there. A deep blush made it's way to her cheeks, and she moved a bit away from him awkwardly, while Shivaay too rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly.

"Sorry, I don't know how I fell asleep," Annika said, trying to diffuse some of the tension. Shivaay gave a smile.

"No problem, I don't mind." Shivaay said with a wink, and Annika rolled her eyes. It seemed like nothing was awkward with him anymore, and she was glad about it.

"I should get going now," Shivaay said reluctantly, standing up to grab his coat, "Or the family will leave no chance to tease the two of us next time you meet them."

Annika gave an understanding smile. She felt an empty feeling at the thought of him leaving. His surprise visit had somehow resulted in a blissful afternoon, and she secretly prayed for many more of these to come. Following him to the door, Annika did not waste a second before giving him a small peck when he forwarded his cheek to her.

"Ah, getting used to this, I see," Shivaay said naughtily, and Annika shoved his chest. Laughing, they bid good bye to each other, their hearts fluttering with happiness.

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