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Hola guys, missed y'all a lot! I was dying to give an update today, since I hate going long without receiving your love, so this chapter was written quite hurriedly and sort of acts as a filler. The next few updates will cover the much anticipated Mahotras' event, which I hope you all will like. Let me know how you feel about this one!


Shivaay woke up from that delicious recurring dream again about a particular khidkitod woman with a grin on his face, since he had gone farther in this dream than he had in any other. Finally, she had moved from giving him just a sultry smile to seductively walking up to him too, and had, very slowly and teasingly, came and sat on his lap. That had been it, since he had unfortunately woken up after that, but it still made him feel all sorts of pleasure all over his body, and in one part particularly.

Shivaay often wondered about the extensity of his attraction towards her. Unlike most other boys his age, he hadn't in his teenage years been obsessed about women and their bodies. Was it that this obsession had occurred later, much later, in his case? Even then, how was it that it only surfaced for Annika and no one else? Then again, this was Annika he was talking about, who had the power to drive him crazy without even doing anything other than simply existing. Smiling, Shivaay reminisced about yesterday's events, and how he had gone and made all those arrangements for her that he would have deemed as ridiculous even a few months back, since Valentine's Day had made him feel michmichis all his 29 years of existence. The hurricane named Annika had, however, managed to bring on this romantic side in him with no worded demand of her own, something which had made him even more eager to make her feel special. She asked nothing of him, even though she probably knew -as she should given the way he was with her- that he would without hesitation give her the world if she asked.

Stretching his arms, Shivaay decided to start his day on a wonderful note by texting the very same woman who was creating havoc in his senses in every way possible. Grabbing his phone from the end table, he saw that it was only 6, and Annika was probably only done with half a night of sleep by now. Grinning, he typed in a text in the hopes that this be the first thing she see when she wakes up.

Good morning, love. Stop coming in my dreams ;)

Hitting send, he got out of the bed and proceeded to get ready, his jovial mood indicating that it would be a good day today.


Annika too was in an extremely happy mood, and part of it was because of the morning text she had gotten. Waking up to it, something so simple that had yet made her heart flutter, had been the best way to wake up. The mere thought that she came in Shivaay's dreams, and also that he thought of her when he woke up, made Annika blush. When called out on it by a worker cum friend, Annika had to awkwardly lie that she was probably red because of the sunlight.

"You should probably rest for a while," Said the person, and Annika nodded with a tight smile, wondering what else embarrassment she would have to face because of that kanji aankhonwaala. Wiping perspiration from her forehead since it was quite hot and working in an open garden didn't help much either, Annika decided to actually rest for a while. She took one of the chairs, and checked her phone. She had replied to Shivaay's message after much thinking, having typed and erased a number of times before finally sending the text.

Good morning to you too, mister. What exactly did you dream? And anyway, I won't stop ;)

He hadn't messaged her back yet, though, Annika noticed with a pout. She knew he had a meeting now, since he had mentioned it yesterday, but she had gotten so used to his undivided attention for the past few days, that not getting a message or call from him for a couple of hours was making her feel deprived. Giggling, Annika realized that this was the same kind of thing she had previously despised, when her girl friends used to tell her of wanting to be the center of their boyfriends' world.

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