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"...make sure you talk to the Chaddas and fix the meeting for tomorrow. And make sure you tell them that if not tomorrow then never."

Shivaay was currently ordering his ever obedient P.A, Mishra, who was fervently noting everything down. His boss seemed to be in a very frantic demeanour today, throwing around orders like the apocalypse was approaching and he had to get everything done as soon as possible. In the past hour, he had scheduled and rescheduled countless meetings that were meant to take place today, and Mishra was having a hard time keeping up.

"Noted, sir," He said, wiping a bead of sweat from his forehead. Even in this highly air-conditioned room all the work Shivaay Singh Oberoi was making him do had Mishra fanning himself.

"But, sir," he continued, frowning as he looked at a particular appointment on the ipad, "You were supposed to meet the Mehras' tonight to finalize the airlines deal. Mr.Mehra specifically said he can't meet after today as he's leaving for Dubai tomo-"

"I don't care," Shivaay replied without so much as sparing a glance his assistant's way while typing away on his macbook, "Tell them to cancel the deal if need be but I absolutely cannot attent any meeting after 6 today."

Mishra's eyes widened as his boss's voice registered. Was Shivaay Singh Oberoi really considering cancelling a 10 crore worth deal? He wondered what had gotten his boss suddenly, and not for the first time. Since the past week he had been acting strange. Sometimes he would be in an extremely good mood, and would surprise everyone in the office by acting very cordial. Sometimes, he would be unusually irritable while at other times, like today, it would appear like he had some arrangement to get to that was much more important than any meeting or deal. Mishra could only ponder on these thoughts because asking him directly was out of the question. He had a family to earn for and being the personal assistant of Shivaay Singh Oberoi was one of the best and high-paying, but also fragile,  jobs in the country, so he did not want to lose it.

"But, sir, the deal is very important and-"

Again, Mishra was interrupted and silenced by a glare from Shivaay that had him nodding in obedience and scurrying out of the cabin.


Annika was in her usual place in Rohit's office and her mind was in it's usual place in Shivaay's thoughts. She was repeatedly getting distracted and it was getting on her nerves now. Leave it up to that man to infuriate her even when he wasn't physically present. Taking a deep breath, Annika tried once again to concentrate on her work, that was presently to discuss the guest list with Mrs. Malhotra and make a seating plan. She looked around and about the cabin in order to rid herself of a certain man's thoughts, catching Rohit's eye in the process. He seemed to be flushed at being caught staring, but Annika only gave him a radiant smile.

"And of course, we have to invite the Oberois." Mrs. Malhotra said, and Annika's eyes widened. 

Of course she would invite the Oberois, Annika thought while mentally slapping her forehead. They were the richest businessmen in the country and this party was all about business people. Annika had no issue about the Oberois coming- in fact, she was glad they were invited and thus would be part of what would hopefully be the first step to her success.

But, the eldest Oberoi grandson? Yeah, he was a different matter entirely. She was pretty sure that if he attended the party, which he sure would since she would be there, he would be hell bent on carrying on with the charade and introduce her as his girlfriend. Annika would absolutely not allow that. If people in the party, who could be her prospective clients, came to know that she was dating him, they would want to hire her and not because of her talents, but because they would want to get into Shivaay Singh Oberoi's good books. The very thought had Annika biting her nails in nervousness, but she tried not to think about it right away. She could cross that bridge when she got there.

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