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The media was in a frenzy as Shivaay and Annika approached them and they couldn't be blamed. Shivaay Singh Oberoi was the richest- not to mention most controversial after the Kapoors' deception- businessman in the country and his life's minutest details were of interest to the media. And here he was, attending the biggest Business Event with a lady in his arms just a couple of weeks after his breakup with Tia Kapoor. Of course the media was dying to get some worthy news out of the whole deal.

Shivaay and Annika stood in front of the group of media people, his arm wrapped around her waist possessively, making Annika feel secure for some reason. The journalists went on and on with their questions before Shivaay raised a hand to stop them.

"One by one, please," Shivaay said calmly, and they agreed.

"Mr. Oberoi, who is this lady?"

Shivaay looked at Annika and they shared an eyelock. It was the moment of truth, and Annika gave him a reassuring nod and smile. 

"This is Annika. She's my..." A second of silence to prolong the suspense as the journalists waited with bated breath, before- "She's my girlfriend."

This had the desired effect and more, as the media took a moment to register the fact and then suddenly, cameras were flashing, there was scribbling of notes, and the start of non-stop questions by the group of people who had just found the news of the month. Or probably, the year.

"But Mr. Oberoi, you only broke up with Ms. Tia Kapoor 2 weeks back."

"Mr. Oberoi, can you tell us more about your new girlfriend?"

"Mr. Oberoi, is she the reason-"

Shivaay once again raised his hand in order to stop them. He shared a look with Annika, before proceeding with answering. Annika had been feeling nervous before but now that she was really here, there was a certain kind of confidence in her. She did not survive in this harsh world alone just like that- she was Khidkitod Annika, after all. Facing a bunch of journalists and doing a btt of acting was nothing compared to what she had had to endure since as long as she could remember.

"I'll answer all your questions now, all at once, please do not interrupt," Shivaay said in an authoritative voice.

"Annika used to be the wedding planner for mine and Tia's marriage. I never cheated on Tia but had a special place for Annika in my heart since the beginning, which soon became too deep for my to ignore. I then decided to break off my relationship with Tia to pursue one with Annika, but unfortunately or fortunately, the Kapoors' fraud plan was revealed in front of us before I could do so. So no, Tia Kapoor did not deceive me, answering your previous question, because of Annika. Annika had nothing to do with it. The Kapoors are a malevolent bunch of people who had gone bankrupt, and the only reason they wanted to get their daughter married to me was so that she could run off with our money. I'm extremely thankful we came to know the truth in time, and entirely glad that I can now be with Annika in peace. I hope that answers all your questions. Thankyou." 

While Shivaay gave this little speech of his, Annika stared at him with hopefulness in her eyes. She wished ardently, without knowing why, for whatever he had said about the two of them to be true. She wondered if she really did have a special place in his heart, but then mentally scolded herself for having so much hope. This was all just a drama and being deterred by this probably rehearsed lines of his would only result in unnecessary heartbreak.

Little did she know, though, that nothing was rehearsed from his part.

Shivaay and Annika were about to make their way in, when the reporters stopped them again.

"Miss Annika, can you please answer a few of our questions?"

Shivaay looked at Annika, asking non-verbally if she was willing to do so. Annika thought for a second and then nodded. There was no way she was going to let the Oberois down.

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