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Happy New Year, people! I won't say that I hope this year is full of happiness and prosperity and all that for everyone, because I'm sure you've heard enough of that already. Instead, I hope you all have a landmark year, by maybe meeting your favorite celebrity, or falling in love, or having a kickass trip to someplace!

Hope you guys like the chapter, and do vote/ comment if you do!

"What do I wear what do I wear what do I weaaar"

Shivaay kept muttering this to himself as he rummaged through the plethora of suits in his large, walk-in closet. He had never had this problem before, of not being able to decide what to wear, and always thought of it as a female attribute. But tonight, the Great Shivaay Singh Oberoi was being extremely picky and none of his ridiculously expensive clothes were matching up to his taste. He blamed all of this fuss on Annika- for the first time in his life, he was striving to impress someone, especially a girl. Especially a girl who wouldn't be impressed with materialistic things, making life all the more harder for him.

Why he was trying so hard to impress her, was a question he was choosing to avoid. Carelessly looking through all his suits, he finally found a light-blue one that he knew she would like. According to her, it would probably match his kanji aankhen. Smiling, Shivaay decided to wear this, pairing it with a white shirt with the first two buttons open. He was just putting on some of his favorite perfume, when his brothers walked in.

"Woah, Shivaay. Are you going somewhere?" Om asked, looking inquisitively as his brother, all decked up at this time of the night.

"Yeah, Om. Actually, I, uh, have a meeting. With some foreign delegates."

At this, both of his brothers rolled their eyes.

Rudra, who had flopped down on his bed as soon as entering, got up and stood behind where Shivaay was in front of the mirror.

"Who are you trying to kid, bhaiya?" He asked, a teasing smile on his face. "We all know that you wouldn't be changing your clothes or getting ready in front of the mirror if you would be going to a meeting. Surely, it's something else," He added with a wink, while Om nodded with his arms crossed. Sighing, Shivaay decided that lying to his brothers, in this matter, was impossible. They knew him better than anyone else, and the huge grin plastered on his face would give him away soon, anyway.

"Fine. I'm actually going to dinner with Annika..."

Before he could so much as finish his sentence, his brothers were upon him.

"What?! Dinner with Annika/ Annika didi?" They exclaimed together, happily.

"Yep," Shivaay replied. "To celebrate her getting a new job."

Rudra pouted at that.

"That's not fair, Annika didi is celebrating with you only. I want a treat, too!"

Shivaay and Om rolled their eyes at that.

"Actually, I'm the one who suggested we have dinner." Shivaay said.

"Of course you did," Om snorted, making Shivaay glare at him.

"I just thought," he continued, "that it'll help us know each other better and make our drama seem more real." This line was entirely rehearsed from what he had said to Annika before, as a means to persuade her for the date.

"Is that the only reason, though?" Rudra asked naughtily with a wink and nudge, to which Shivaay blushed.

"Of course it is," He said, abashed. "Now if you would please let me get ready; I don't wanna be late."

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