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This literally took me the whole day to write because I kept deleting and re-writing scenes. But I guess I'm happy with the end result, and am looking forward to know your thoughts! Also, I hope the long chapter makes up for the delay in updating.

Just a heads up- I won't be very active here on Wattpad in August since I'll be starting college then. Hopefully, after adjusting to the new environment and settling into hostel, I'll be back with a bang!


Annika woke up from her little nap to find herself lying practically on top of Shivaay, with her arms around him and her leg thrown over him. She blushed when she noticed how high the already short dress reached with her lying in this position, and that intensified when she realized that Shivaay's hand was resting over her bare thigh. Looking up, she saw that he was sleeping as well, mouth slightly open and hair a little ruffled up. He looked adorable, and she felt like kissing him. 

Instead of getting up, Annika snuggled closer into his chest. He was so strong and warm and smelled so good, she didn't feel like moving away from his embrace. And to add to that, his warm hand on her bare skin felt heavenly. 


Hearing him mumble her name, Annika looked up, thinking he had probably woken up, but was surprised to see his eyes still closed. Nudging him a bit, she realized he had taken her name in his sleep, and that made her feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Grinning to herself, she decided to check the time. It was 10.30 pm, and way past her usual dinner time. As soon as the thought of dinner crossed her mind, she was hungry, and decided to wake Shivaay up. 

"Shivaay, wake up." Shaking his shoulder, she tried to wake him up, but he was adamant. Mumbling something incoherent in his sleep, he only attempted to snuggle closer to her. 

"Don't leave me, Annika," He said softly into her hair, and she looked up at him sharply. Why was he saying this?

"Why would I ever leave you?" She said, more to herself than to him. It was insane that he would ever think she would leave him. How would she possibly even survive without him? To her dismay, he didn't answer, only licked his dry lips in the same sleepy state. Annina pondered over what he had said for a minute, wondering if she was making too big a deal out of it. It was impossible not to, though. Since the past few days, she had seen a change in him and she desperately wanted to know the reason. She wanted to know if he felt the same for her as she did for him. Every small thing that did for her spoke volumes about how much he cared for her, but somehow, the idea that someone like him could ever love her seemed unthinkable to Annika. He was Shivaay Singh Oberoi, and she was just Annika! 

But then again, the idea that she would ever fall in love with someone had at one point been unthinkable too, but look at her now.


Shivaay rubbed his eyes, for a moment disoriented about his surroundings. He opened his eyes and events of last night came flashing. He had lied down beside Annika and adored her while she napped, but somehow, he had fallen asleep too. As a result, they had both missed dinner. Frowning, he chided himself for not waking up and feeding Annika something. They hadn't eaten for God knows how many hours, and he didn't care about himself but the thought of Annika being empty stomach didn't sit well with him. It was then that he realized Annika wasn't in his arms as she should be, and wondered if she had woken up early again due to her excitement. It was only 7 am now, though, which was way too early for her. Sitting up, Shivaay ran a hand through his hair and looked around. The washroom door was open, so she wasn't there, and the kitchen was empty too. His heart tensed, and he was about to jump out of his bed, when looking straight ahead to the glass door, he spotted her. 

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