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This is (possibly) the second last chapter of this book! I absolutely cannot believe how far we have all come with this. The Dating Charade has changed my life is so many ways, and I thank you ALL for giving it so much love and appreciation. It is all honestly out of my comprehension because I never expected such response. But thank you SO SO much <3 

I have thought of a little something, an idea, that might result in bonus chapters for this book. I'll deliberate and let you all know soon enough. And yes, about the sequel, it's most probably happening, just not sure when.


Om didn't exactly know what was happening, and it frustrated him to no ends because in the family, he was the most sorted out one, right? He had always prided himself on knowing. He knew exactly what he felt about things, and wasn't afraid to either accept or voice them out loud. But today, standing at the shore of the sea, looking majestic with his shirt sleeves rolled to the elbow and pants rolled till the knee, a deep, thoughtful look on his face, he had to admit- he didn't know. He didn't know why his heart was behaving the way it was, around a certain woman who annoyed him to no ends. He didn't understand why suddenly, she wasn't so annoying as much as she was intriguing. Sighing, he traced the sand with his toe, hands shoved in his pockets. No matter how much he tried, he just wasn't being able to find a way out of this turmoil. Gauri Kumari Sharma was affecting him more than he would like, and he subconsciously realized how similar his situation was to his brother, before said brother had stopped being an idiot and accepted his feelings. He smiled at the thought. 

Speak of the devil, Om looked up as Shivaay walked to where he was, a slight frown on his face.

"What's up?" Om asked. "How is it that you're not glued to Annika?" He added teasingly. Shivaay glared at him.

"Annika has decided that she wants to socialize with other people as well, which is just crazy," Shivaay said with a scowl, and Om laughed. The extent of his brother's possessiveness towards Annika was insane, really. Just this morning, the entire family had witnessed Shivaay almost murdering a waiter with his looks, when the poor waiter had only smiled at Annika while serving her breakfast. Shivaay was so far gone, he didn't even realize it.

"What are you doing here alone?" 

Om was broken out of his thoughts, and shook his head.

"Just, contemplating life," He sighed, making Shivaay furrow his eyebrows.

"What's wrong, Om? Everything alright?" He asked, concerned. Om smiled.

"Yeah, perfect."

"You know you can't lie to me, right?" Shivaay asked, rolling his eyes. Om laughed.

"It's nothing, really. Just that..."

"Is it about Gauri?" Shivaay urged, and Om looked up at him sharply.

"How do you know?"

Shivaay shrugged his shoulders.

"I don't know, but Annika told me that she suspected something was going on between you and Gauri. Apparently," Shivaay continued, grinning slightly, "she had even noticed you staring longingly at Gauri, at times."

Om looked appalled at that.

"What? No!" He cried, eyes widened. "I was NOT staring at her longingly or whatever, alright? Annika just has a wild imagination!"

Shivaay laughed at that. She really did have a wild imagination, but he also knew that Annika wouldn't just say something like that. She must have really noticed something between Om and Gauri, something he may have failed to notice because he was much too involved in her, all the time. He loved how even though being Om's brother he wasn't paying much attention to what was going on his life, Annika was doing it for him. 

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