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On the ride back home, Annika noticed Shivaay looked forlorn and this time around, he wasn't shooting continuous glances at her and Daksh from the rearview mirror. She wondered if she had gone too far with whatever she was doing, because frankly she had no idea what she was doing. Staring at Shivaay's grim face as he drove, she tried to think of ways to pacify him when they got home, and it instantly clicked her. He would be elated to have her sleep in his room, without much cajoling on his part. Smiling at the prospect of cuddling into his strong, warm body soon, she leaned back against her seat, and tried to blur out Daksh's voice constantly speaking with her from the side. He was amiable, yes, but was getting on her nerves now. 

When they reached home, Annika was disheartened to find that let alone opening the door for her, Shivaay didn't even spare her a glance as he walked into the mansion, still all somber faced that made no one question him. She saw Om and Rudra staring after him and then turning to smirk at each other, and walked up to them for explanation.

"What's going on?" She asked, in a no-nonsense manner. She noticed them stiffen.

"Wh-what do you mean, sunshine?" Rudra asked, a nervous smile on his face. Annika raised an eyebrow at him.

"Look, I know you guys are up to something, okay? And whatever it is, has upset Shivaay. Now will you please tell me what is it, so that I can try and lighten up his mood?"

"Don't worry, didi, Shivaay bhaiya's mood will be lightened the minute you walk into his room," Rudra winked, and Annika hit his arm, even as a pink hue spread across her cheeks. Turning to Om, she crossed her arms.

"Om, will you please tell me what's going on?" Annika asked, worry clearly etched on her face. "Do you know why Shivaay seems upset? Do you think it's because and Daksh?" She asked, hesitantly. Om smiled and kept a hand over her shoulder.

"Don't worry, Annika. You know how Shivaay gets when things don't go exactly his way, right? He'll be alright, trust me. Just go talk to him."

Still worried, Annika nodded at him, and wishing them both good night, walked into the mansion. First changing into comfortable clothes- a loose t-shirt with black tights- in Prinku's room, she made her way towards Shivaay's bedroom. She found the door unlocked, and entering, she found him sitting on the bed with head in his hands, still wearing the same clothes as before, sans the jacket. He stiffened a little when she shut the door close. Walking in, she sat down beside him.

"Mr. Baggad Billa, you awake?" She asked jokingly, nudging his shoulder with hers. He looked up, and Annika was surprised to find how distraught he looked, with red-rimmed eyes and slightly drooping lips.

"I'm really tired, Annika. Maybe you should sleep in Prinku's room tonight?" He said, getting up and moving to the wardrobe to take out his night clothes. Annika scowled, and walked up to stand beside him.

"Shivaay, what is wrong with you?" She asked, or rather, demanded to know, with hands on hips. "Are you upset about the Daksh thing? Because I was just messing around with you, then."

"It's nothing," He replied, taking out his black kurta-pajama. "I'm just tired."

"Tired, really?" Annika mocked, raising an eyebrow and blocking his way when he tried to make his way to the washroom to change. "I'm not stupid, Shivaay. You're always so eager to have me sleep next to you, but now you're suddenly tired? Will you please just-"

"Goddamit, Annika, I said it's nothing!" Shivaay burst out, the sudden rise of his voice making Annika flinch. "I said I'm tired, and that's it. I don't find the need to give any sort of explanation to anyone."

Saying that, he gave her one last look, and went into the washroom.

Annika, frozen with her eyes downcast, stood there for a while, before moving out of the door. The stray tear that ran down her cheek was hastily wiped before entering Prinku's room.

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