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Banner and moodboards by ImLilMissComplicated ❤️

I'm on a roll, ain't I? Don't get used to it, though :P


Annika ran her hand over the thin, cotton material of the printed skirt, trying to mentally measure how high the slit at the side would reach and then blushing to herself when she realized it would definitely showcase her upper thigh. Yesterday during their Bali shopping spree, Annika had spent more money on buying clothes than she had ever done on probably anything, using up a good proportion of the income earned in this wedding that she had saved solely for herself. The reason, of course, was simple- Shivaay. All that Shivaay did for her each and every day was something Annika would never be able to repay, but she had plans to atleast give him soemthing back. Not unknown to the cheapda he became when it came to her, Annika had, thus, bought quite a few...cheapdi clothes, so to speak, to wear in Bali. With bags strewn all over Shivaay's bed, Annika was still quite surprised that she had been bold enough to make this decision, but wasn't regretting it at all. She wanted to make the most of this trip. After this, both she and Shivaay would get busy with work again and who even knew what would happen to this dating facade? It would have to end sometime, right? Annika knew she would probably not get such a trip with Shivaay again and she was determined to make it amazing. And if that meant wearing clothes of his choice, ones that she knew would leave him drooling, she was willing to do it. In fact, she was quite looking forward to it.

Hearing footsteps outside of the room, Annika thrusted the skirt back into a bag, because she didn't want Shivaay to know of her Bali haul just yet. It would be a surprise for him, of sorts. Thankfully, though, it was gauri who entered, and not Shivaay. Sighing, Annika started picking up the bags and shoving them into one of Shivaay's many closets, making sure to lock it and keep the keys with her.

"Jiji, I can't believe we're going to Bali!" 

Spinning around with arms wide, Gauri showed Annika just how excited she was about this trip, making the older woman laugh and ruffle her hair when she sat down on the bed.

"I'm so excited, too!" Annika remarked, before her face turned a little sad. "But I wish Sahil could come too."

Sahil was having his exams right now, so, much to everyone's dismay, the little guy wouldn't be able to accompany.

"Koi nahi, jiji.  Take him the next time you and bade bhhaiya go on a vacation," Gauri winked, and Annika lightly smacked her arm.

"So, all ready for the trip?" Gauri asked, a teasing glint in her eyes that Annika didn't notice at first.

"Yeah I mean, I know what I'm gonna take so will just pack the suitcase tomorrow or day after..."

"Hmm, well I guess you won't need a lot of space to put in the clothes you bought yesterday," Gauri winked, and Annika, realizing what she meant, gasped.

"Gauri, tu toh bohot cheapdi nikli!" 

Laughing, Gauri held her ear with one hand, making Annika hug  her sideways.

"Annika jiji, you're so lucky Shivaay bhaiya loves you so much," Gauri pondered after a while, making Annika look up sharply.

"You really think he loves me?" Annika mumbled, staring hopefully at Gauri who looked back in confusion.

"OF COURSE he loves you. Why, hasn't he told you so, yet?" Gauri asked. She was a huge Shivika shipper and it would be weird if her beloved Shivaay bhaiya hadn't confessed yet since it was so obvious that he was gaga over her Annika jiji.

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