Chapter-33 Valentine's Day Special~Part Two ❤

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Sorry to keep y'all waiting, and hope this lives up to your expectations


After a quick lunch at a cozy Indian restaurant, Shivaay and Annika were off again. He seemed to be in a hurry while driving, swerving across cars with his usual careful driver's tag abandoned, and Annika called him out on it.

"It's just that there's so much to do," He replied, eyes fixed on the road as he overtook a bike.

"Really? Since how long have you been planning this Shivaay?" Annika asked, curious.

Shivaay shrugged.

"Just last night. It had escaped my mind that today was Valentine's Day until Rudra came barging into my room whining about how many girls he had to buy gifts today-" they both shared a laugh at this- "and then I made a few phone calls to arrange everything for today, and then called you."

"Are what are these arrangements, pray tell? Where are we going, Shivaay?" She asked him. Shivaay, however, refused to answer.

"You'll know soon enough." He replied simply, making her pout.

"Which is exactly why you should tell me, since I'll know soon enough anyway," she logically reasoned, making him chuckle.

"Which is exactly why you should keep mum, and see everything on your own in a while." Annika scowled at him at that, crossing her arms and huffing, while Shivaay shook his head at her antics.  After about an hour of driving, during which they got into some light conversation and usual teasing, Shivaay parked the car in front of a large amusement park, and Annika's eyes lit up instantly. Opening the car door, she ran towards the entrance gate where two guards were stood. As she approached, they asked her for tickets, which would have to have been booked in prior due to the large number of crowd  today, and she turned towards Shivaay with a sad pout.

"Shivaay, we can't enter without tickets." She told him, upset that her excitement resulted in nothing. Shivaay for his part came and slid an arm around her waist.

"Shivaay Singh Oberoi," He told the guards authoritatively, who suddenly seemed to have light bulbs lit on top of their heads. Standing a bit more straighter, they opened the gate wide for the duo, and Annika watched the whole exchange with mouth hanging open, while entering the park.

"How did you manage to do that?" She asked him, and Shivaay grinned down at her.

"I have my ways," He told her haughtily, and Annika frowned.

"No but seriously, how did they just know who you were and let you enter? It's not like you're Shahrukh Khan or something!"

Sighing, Shivaay stopped in order to explain things to his overly inquisitive girlfriend.

"I had called the owner of this park yesterday, and told him I was coming, along with making advance payment for the rides and everything, okay?" He said, and Annika smiled.

"Aww, I can't believe you did so much prior planning. I was so disheartened when I thought we wouldn't be able to enter!" 

Shivaay laughed and took her hand in his, while making their way inside.

"How can I possibly deny my baby girl something she wants, huh?"


Shivaay couldn't remember the last time he had been to an amusement park and gotten on all the crazy rides, and neither could he remember the last time he had had so much fun. Annika was hands down the best person to visit such a place with, with her enthusiasm and energy and love for everything. They got on all the rides, and while Annika sat through them with enjoyment, cheering all the while, Shivaay wouldn't let go of the tight hold he had on her arm. He gave the excuse that he was worried about her and not himself, but Annika knew better. The roller-coaster ride was particularly interesting since when it took a drastic turn, Annika practically fell on his lap, and even when it straightened Shivaay refused to let go of the tight wrap of arms around her waist.

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