Bastard ~ Ch2

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Chapter Title ~ BastardLanguge ~ English Song reference ~ Bad Boy By Red Velvet

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Chapter Title ~ Bastard
Languge ~ English
Song reference ~ Bad Boy By Red Velvet

☆ (Y/n)'s Point of view ☆

"Kookie are you sure you last saw it in this room?"
"Yes Miss (Y/n), I'm sure" Jungkook whined.
"Kookie how much times have i told you to call me (Y/n) over the past 2 years?" I said. He pouted.
"I know but i tried on the first month you stayed but Jimin..... choked me " he sighed.

My eyes bulged.
"HE DID WHAT!?" I shouted
"He said if i ever disrespected you again i would find myself on the streets. He scared me but when i told him i would call you Miss (Y/n) he went back to normal and we never spoke of it again" he said, still looking through draws to find his glasses.
"Im guessing everyone found out what happened. That's why everyone calls me Miss (Y/n) or noona." I sighed

"Imma talk to him later" i said getting on my knees to look under the bed. It was to dark under his bed to see anything so i put my hand under it and felt around. Then i felt a round obect between my fingers.
"Yeeesssss! Kookie i found them !" I grab the glasses and pull it out from under the bed. I wipe them clean then place them on his face. He blinked a couple of times then smiled and hugged me.

"Thank you noona" he said. I smiled and left the room walking back to mine and Jimins room. I walked in to find him on his phone, still in the bed with the covers around him.
"Jimin..." i said dangerously low.

"...(Y/n)?..." he said confused.

I grabbed his phone and placed it behind me. He raised his brow. "Whats wrong jagi?" he asked bringing his hand to my face to caress it. I grabbed at and pushed it down onto the bed.
"You know kookie told me an interesting story today" i said with no emotion.
"Oh really? What was it about?" he replied casually.

"A certain blonde and abit of choking" i said glaring.

"Well if thats the kind of stuff you're into then---"


"Look they need to learn to repect you. So i taught them" he sighed
"I want everyone in this base to view me as a friend not a superior!" i yelled
"But thats what you are jagi" he whispered back.

He always does this. He lets himself get pushed around during our fights. If i were someone else he would of beat me to a pulp by now. He has never raised his voice at me. I guess i should be thankful. Ive heard that when he gets angry with people he cant contoll himself. But ive never seen that side of him no matter how big our fight is.

"I want to be their friend oppa" i looked at him with pleading eyes.
"No they have to respect you. Im not changing my mind" he said quietly looking away avoiding the look of hurt on my face.I stradled him and grabbed his face softly with my hands and brought him to look me in the eye
"Please" i begged
".....................Those younger than you have to call you noona. Im not changing my mind about that. But i guess those older than you................may call you (Y/n)" he hesitated then finally gave in.

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