Devilishly Handsome ~ Ch3

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Chapter Title ~ Devilishly HandsomeLanguage ~ EnglishSong reference ~ Boomerang By Wanna One

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Chapter Title ~ Devilishly Handsome
Language ~ English
Song reference ~ Boomerang By Wanna One

☆ (Y/n)'s Point of view ☆

I waited outside for a good 5 minutes. Im guessing so that the cleaners could clean up the blood and get rid of the body through the back door before i come back in and they continue the meeting.

I have a feeling that Jimin is still pissed because of Chinmae and as soon as that meeting resumes hes going to dominate every gang leader at that table which could result to war if he pisses one off and that's the last thing we need... Thats where i come in. I have to be his leash in some sense and have to hold him back when necessary. Its not my first time doing this because lets just say the first time was much harder since everything was so new to me.

The door opened and Jimin walked out and shut it behind him. He walked over to me and hugged me. He put his arms around my waist and tucked his head into my neck. He smelled my hair and probably my candy floss spray too.

"Im sorry" he whispered weakly.
"No im sorry i interupted your meeting and let my anger take controll and now your buisness partners probably think bad about you because of me" i said rubbing my head against his chest.
"No princess its not your fault. Ciara is your best friend and he deserved that beating you gave him. I dont care what others think of me as long as they know i got a badass girl" he chuckled.
I giggled too then brought my hand to caress his face. He leaned i to my touch and closed his eyes.
"Come on weve got a conference meeting to finish" i said grabbing his hand and leading him into the room. I walked of him to our usual seats as sat down. Jimin cleared his throat.

"Now lets carry on. As i was saying before we all have the same supply of drugs but all of us are getting complaint of fake drugs. We dont know where these fakes are coming from. Im assuming that someone in each of our gang is filling in our stock behind the scenes with no authority and its clear that this person is part of Jonghyungs gang" Jimin started

"They are probably coming in from one of our workers because i doubt any of us would want to ruin our own buisness flow so I guess you can count the gang leaders off the long line of suspicion." Jay lee said, the most powerful mafia leader in north korea.

"Exactly so i suggest a background check on each of our workers that create the drugs and once we are 100% sure they are loyal then start back up the makings of drugs. We have to put a stop on the sellings of drugs untill we find whos been adding fakes" Jimin said.

"Um i dont like the sound of that. By putting a stop on making drugs our money supply is going to drop drastically. Do you know how much workers i have in my gang who makes drugs. To do a fully accurate background check on all of them is going to take at least a month. How do you expect us to continue our line of work with no money to offer or trade?" Sam Lloyd the strongest leader of the Europe gangs. Jimin angrily sighed clenching his fist ready to argue. I put my hand over his hand and looked at him in a way telling him that il handle it.

"Look Sam. If you want to continue your buisness go ahead. We wont stop you. But when more and more people complain to you about fake drugs in your stock dont expect to still be number one in Europe. Your business popularity is gonna drop. I think you can afford to wait one month without making your money from drugs. Theres countless other options to make money from if your that worried about your money supply dropping. So go ahead ignore what Jimin said it'l be your fault when you look up and find someone else on top." I said. Jimin chuckled proudly and lifted me up from my chair. I squealed in mid-air at the sudden movement. Then he placed me on his lap smirking.
"And thats why i love you jagi" he whispered into my ear. I giggled and blushed. I looked back up at Sam to see him with his head down in embarassment.

"All in favour of putting a hold on drug making " lee said.
All 14 mafia leaders minus Chinmae since you know he's dead put up their hands.
"Send an email to Chinmaes gang and tell them the news. Also tell them to send another representative who isn't a rapist to our meeting next time" Thomas said to his assistant, the strongest gang leader of south America

"Meeting over. Il see you all for another meeting on the 18th july" Jimin declared
"Wheres the meeting going to be?" Miyuki, the leader of Japan's mafia said.

"How about with me?" Shawn said, the leader of north americas mafia.
"Sure" everone said
"Have a safe flight everyone. You may leave. " i said bowing still on Jimins lap. I stood up and slid off Jimin's lap then i led them out with Jimin following me like a lost puppy.
Once they all left i turned to Jimin and put my arms around his neck.

"Dont you have a class of newbie killers to teach?" I asked raising a brow. He giggled and tickled my neck with his hair.
"I gave the job to Yoongi because i wanted you to do something for me" he kissed my neck softly. Trailing little butterfly kisses up and down my kneck.
"Which is?" I asked

"I wanna dye my hair a diffrent colour" he said
"Aw but blonde suits you so well buuut if you really want to, do you at least have a colour in mind?" I pouted.

He looked at my pouted bottom lip and bit it then smirked "Sorry couldn't help my self and yes i was thinking either a red or silver but i decided that il let you decide" he grabbed my hand and led me to the room where we usually dyed his hair. Ive only ever dyed his hair blonde or diffrent shades of brown but im glad hes going for somthing different.

He sat down on the chair and handed me 2 packets of dye. One was ruby red and the other silver. He closed his eyes and said "When i wake up from my short nap i expect to look devilishly handome. Ok jagi?" Giving me a closed eyed smile. I laughed

"If i dont purposly make you look like Pennywise from 'It' the movie instead" i smirked.
He gasped "You wouldn't dare"
I smirked. Then i decided to make a choice. Silver. Or. Red. Hmmmm... After alot of thought i chose silver because i was curious.

I could tell Jimin was fast asleep by the way his bottom lip was slightly pouted and how his head leaned to the side. I started to brush the dye in to his hair then cover it up with silver paper. And once i was finished i went to the kitchen to get something to eat. I came back to the room eating a chicken pattie a cook made me. I sat down in the chair while playing on my phone for about 45 mins then unwrapped the tinfoil. I leaned his chair back so that his head was in the sink. Then i turned on the tap and started to wash his hair at a warm temperature. As soon as the water hit his head he woke up. Then sat there staring at the cieling.

Once i washed it, i dryed it and straightened. Then i looked at him and smiled.
"Devilishly handsome you are. Too bad it dosent matter to others since your all mine. " Then i turned his chair to the mirror. He wolf whisled
"Damn jagi you made me look like a prince " he smirked

"My prince" i said going behind his chair and putting my arms around his neck while he sat.
"Damn straight" he leaned up and gave me a kiss.
"Love you" i said then started to walk out

"Hey! Hey! Hey! Where you going?" he asked.
"I was gonna go visit ciara and see how she's holding up" I replied.

"Hmm ok im gonna go pop in in that training class that Yoongi covered and show off my hair" he smirked.
I giggled.

"Typical Jimin"

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