Sleeping Beauty ~ Ch21

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☆ Jimin's Point of view ☆

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☆ Jimin's Point of view ☆

I felt dead... My whole body doesn't even want to co-operate with me anymore. My mind abd soul yearns her touch... her love. Her.

She's been in my dreams everyday now. I haven't been the same since she left and everyone knew it. I handed my duties down to Yoongi and Namjoon for the time-being untill i have her in my arms again. I can't function without her and only God knows how i ever did before she came into my life.

Knocking on the door distrupted my thoughts. I groaned and muttered a low 'come in'. The person came in and stood infront of my bed. Our bed.

"Boss... It's Hoseok... He's outside the base... And he's not alone" Jungkook said softly. My eyes snapped open as i launched off of the bed.

What the hell does he want?

I pushed my way out of the room and hurridly made my way down the stairs. I opened the front door and walked over to the gate. I told the guards to open the gate quickly. They gave me an unsure glance so i glared at them hard enough so they could follow my orders with any complaints.
The gate opened slowly... I locked eyes with Hoseok's, my anger growing by the second. Untill i saw a limp body in his arms... Is that.... I looked back into Hoseok's eyes as he gave me a small reassuring smile.

"You only have 48 hours with her untill she's expected to go back to her father... You best make the most out of it"

3 Hours ago

"Hano sir. I believe that if we send (y/n) out on a mission she will start to feel more comfortable around this gang and will be led to belive she belongs here.... That's why i ask you if i can take her on a mission.....with your permission of course." Hoseok asked. Hano sighed and rubbed his forehead with his fingers.

"I thought about that too Hoseok but im worried if she sees her little boy toy while on the mission and suddenly has flashbacks. You see where im coming from with this Hoseok, right?" Hano said as he filled up his wine glass. Hoseok nodded then spoke up once again "I, myself will escort her on this mission and will make it my top priority to not let Park Jimin get in the way of the mission"
Hano looked into Hoseoks eyes wearily and asked,
"Why is this so important to you Hoseok?"

"(Y/n) begun asking me questions the other day sir about why she knew how to hold a gun and to fight. And naturally i had to tell her she was a pro fighter but i think she's starting to get catious. I'm doing this all for the gang sir" Hoseok breathed out, His lies were getting a tad too much for him to keep up with himself. He had shakey breaths and his fingers were fidling with one another in his pocket.

Was he getting close to being caught?
"Okay Hoseok. I put you in charge of finding a suitable mission for (Y/n) and making sure she comes back with no memories and most importantly... alive" Hano said as he switched on the tv. Does he even care?

Hoseok nodded then made his way up the stairs to (Y/n)'s room. He opened the door and slipped in quietly without causing too much attention.
"Has she not woken up yet?" Hoseok asked, staring at his girlfriend with worried eyes.
"No. And she will probably be like this for a few more hours... Have you gotten permission to take her on a 'mission'." she asked, putting more emphasis on the word mission. He nodded as he went into the draw and took his hand gun and put it in his back pocket. He turned around to see a confused Yeseul looking at the gun in his back pocket.

He shrugged his shoulders "What? This is just a precaution incase Jimin tries to shoot me on the spot. I still killed their dog you know!"
Hoseok looked at (Y/n)'s closed eyes and sighed.

"How am i going to get her out of the base with out them suspecting a thing?" he asked. Then he looked up at Yeseul who has poiting out of the window. He bit his lip then groaned.
"Jimin best reward me with food for risking my life like this" Hoseok said, picking up (Y/n) bridal style and slowly climbing out of the open window.

Then he jumped, letting out a small gasp in the process. When he skillfully landed on his feet without any issues, he glanced back up at his girlfriend and gave her a small thumbs up. She giggled then whispered "Stay safe Hobi"
He smiled softly at her then crept away trying his best to blend with the trees.

☆ Present time ☆
☆ Jimin's point of view ☆

"(Y/n)?" i whispered softly. A tear ran down my face as i quickly stumbled to her limp body. My eyes slowly wandered over her closed eyes to her pale arms.

"What's wrong with her?" i hissed darkly at the red head.
"Invite me inside and try not to kill me and Il tell you all about it" Hoseok said. Damn him. I bit the inside of my cheek then huffed.

I nodded then gently brung (Y/n) over into my arms. Her soft skin against my hand was enough to calm my racing heart. My eyes softed to see her lace material cuffs on her lower arms and the scars on her wrists being fully exposed. I balanced her on one arm so i could gently pull them up, knowing she hates people's prying eyes.

Then we both walked into the base. All Bts members had their eyes firstly on the traitor walking behind me then on the sleeping beauty in my arms. They gasped then started cheering. I grinned but then remembered the words Hoseok said when we first met at the gate.

"You only have 48 hours with her untill she's expected to go back to her father... You best make the most out of it."

I sat down on the couch with (Y/n) tucked away in my arms as i breathed in her scent.
Then i looked at Hoseok who was standing infront of me with a nervous expression.

"Explain" i ordered.

"Okay so we got your letter so we tried to show her the scars... But then she just sat still with tears in her eyes and it started to scare us--"
"Us?" i interupted.
"Me and Ye--- I mean me and my cat" He blurted out. I norrowed my eyes at him but then told him to continue.

He's hiding something... 
"Then she passed out because of the painful memory that she had or something like that. And she'll stay pased out for at least another hour or so. She doesn't remember everything yet... I think. I thought that when she woke up she would be in bad shape That's why i risked myself to bring her here. Because she still has a promise to fullfill when she regains her all memories. I told her dad i was taking her on a mission. We have 48 hours to complete it. That's why i advise you to use it well" he said.

I smiled softly at (Y/n)'s sleeping form. Then i leaned into her ear and whispered,

"Your not here for long but at least your here princess. Il try all i can to help you before you have to go back there. I promise."

(Author-Nim ~ Please comment what you think! Thank you for the 400+ votes and 15k reads!♡♡)

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