Our Father ~ Ch12

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☆ (Y/n)'s point of view ☆

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(Y/n)'s point of view ☆

"Im so tiredddd" i moaned. Not only we spent half an hour walking just to get ambushed but we had to spend half an hour walking back. Jimin walked infront of me and bent down. My eyebrows furrowed. He nudged his head, motioning me to get on his back. I smiled happily and climbed onto his back and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Kamsamnida Oppa" i said. He got back up and caught up to Jihyun.
"Hyung...Why didn't you ever tell me?" he said quietly. Jimin sighed.
"Look Jihyun. I ain't in the mood to have this emotional 'Why didn't you tell me?' talk right now. I only came today to make my girl happy after what happened to her these past few days. We can talk about this another day if im bothered" he said. Jihyun nodded and continued walking then stopped outside the cafe.

"We're here" he said. I squealed and nudged Jimins head with my own.
"Go on. Go in. Bali!" i said gidily. He laughed and entered the cafe. I looked around the cafe to see pictures of idols drinking coffee. Well that's one way to get customers.

Then i saw them... Jiwoo was at the counter along with Taehyung while Matthew and Somin were serving customers.
"Lets order and suprise them" i said.
I got off Jimin's back and went to the line. When it was my turn i stood directly infront of Jiwoo who had her back towards me.

"Oy sexy chic. How bout you give me a coffee and your phone number" i said in a manly voice that failed as i couldn't help but laugh at the end.
"Omo!" she said then turned to face me and screamed in suprise.
"(Y/N)!!!!" she yelled then jumped over the counter and hugged me. Matthew, Taeyung and Somin all turned to look at us then also came to join the group hug.
"You've grown so tall.......Lol I'm just kidding your still the same baby from years ago" Matthew said patting ny head. Jimin growled like a dog and slapped matthew hand of my head. Matthew glared and Jimin while Jimin returned the glare.

"Well pretty boy. I'm suprised our little (Y/n) hasnt found a new man yet" Matthew said coming closer to Jimins face. (Author-Nim ~ Why in every kpop fanfic do i make these two hate each other?😂)
Jimin chuckled darkly. "Well get comfortable because im never gonna be leaving her"
Matthew smirked "Only time will tell brat. Now why don't you and your henchman run off while we all catch up huh?" making a shooing motion with his hand. Jimin shook his head smirking.

"And leave you alone with my girl? i don't think so. I don't want to come back to find her sick from being in your presence too long" he said
Matthew scoffed.
"Oh please. She's probably dying to get sometime away from you. Now be a good little doggy and listen to me when i say leave"

Jimin walked up inches away from matthew and started to push him back with every word he spoke
"Listen here bastard. Your lucky i brought her today. I didn't do it for you...Or those girls. I done it for her. Sakura died and i intend on trying to help her forget the pain she went through. So you better shut the fuck up and----"

"Yah! Are you two fighting again!? come on! we havnt been here for at least 5 mimutes for you two to fight! Quit it!" i said.

I never noticed them fighting untill somin moved her head to the side and i saw Jimin push Matthew. I'm lucky i stopped them from brawling it out. I remeber when they literally had a fist fight in the middle of the mall and security guards had to separate them. Not a very good memory.

"I'm sorry jagiya" Jimin said and he came to me and kissed me on the cheek. Then Matthew came to me and was about to kiss me on the cheek when Jimin pushed his forehead with his index finger.

"You can kiss her hand" Jimin said glaring. These two are like kids seriously. Then Matthew grabbed my hand and kissed it then mumbled sorry.

I sighed and said "When's your shift over?"
"Right now" Taehyung said.
"Yay. Now what should we do?" i asked
"Shopping!" Somin and Jiwoo cheered together.
Matthew and Taehyung both groaned then shook their heads.
"No way. Not happenei---"
"Great idea. Jagiya do you want to go shopping?" Jimin asked sweetly while secretly smirking at Matthew.
"I'd love to buuut i didn't bring my card with me" i said with a small frown.

Then i see a black card infront of my eyes. I blinked a couple of times before it hit me.
"I wouldn't let you pay even if you did bring it" Jimin chuckled. I was about to protest but he cut me off with a kiss.

"Just shut up and take it like a good girl" he whispered in my ear.

I blushed with a thousand memories popping in my head. I shivered and took his card and put it in my bag. I smiled and thanked him. i linked arms with Somin and Jiwoo and led the way to the mall while Matthew, Jimin, Jihyun and Taehyung walked behimd us.

Small timeskip

"Hey princess? How do you think these will look on you?" Jimin asked while holding up a see through bra. I blushed and slapped his arm.
"Yah put that down! your so embarassing!" i said while hiding my face in his chest.

So far we visited almost every shop in this mall and the boys where forced to carry every bag. Everytime they tried to complain Jimin kicked them, thinking i didn't notice.
"Can we get something to eat?" i asked.

Everyone nodded in agreement. We started to walk to a restraunt outside the mall. We went inside and the boys put all the bags to the side of our table while the rest of us sat down.

"Here's the menu" said a manly voice. I looked up to see a man with bright red hair.
"I will be your waiter today." he said while staring into my eyes. I felt a bit uneasy and broke eye contact. i looked through the menu and pointed at a miso ramen.

"Il have that" i said quietly. He nodded then smirked and wrote it down on his hand. Jimin took notice of his acts and kept watch on him.
"Il have the same" Jimin said. Everyone else decided on a simple kimichi. We all waited for about 5 minutes before our food finally came.

"Here's your meal....please...enjoy" Our waiter said smiling. What the hell is actually going on?
I was about to take a bite of my food before Jimin pinched my leg softly. I made eye contact with him and he shook his head. I put the chopsticks down gently without trying to raise suspicion from the others.

He brought out a small packet that had the label 'salt' on it. I knew this wasn't actually salt. It's something our base made in the testing room. They named it the 'poison detector'. Okay that was a lie. I named it the poison detecter after watching an episode if a kdrama. What can i say? It sounded cool!

Jimin poured the 'Salt' into my ramen. Then the ramen turned green. My eyes widened and Jimin nose flared in anger. He got up and stormed over to the waiter and dragged him to another room by his neck when everyone was turned around. Crap! He's gonna kill him without getting any info out of him first! I hurried out of my seat and rushed to the room Jimin walked in. I walked in the see the waiter at gun point with a pissed Jimin seconds away from pulling the trigger.

"Wait" i said. He looked at me and said "Why?"
"We need info." Jimin sighed and stepped to the side while still holding the gun to his head. I kneeled infront of him and stared at him.
"Who are you and who do you work with?" i asked. He smirked and said,
"Im Choi Kang soo......and i work with our father"

"Our father?"

(Author-Nim ~ Please comment! These comments that you give me really cheer me up! Love ya Mochies! Fighting!)

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