Royalty ~ Ch38

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☆ (Y/n)'s Point of view ☆

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☆ (Y/n)'s Point of view ☆

The plane finally stood still after a few hours flight.
"Princess...wakey wakey...Princess?" A voice said. A finger prodded my check over and over again. I giggled as my eyes slowly fluttered open.

"Yah! Stop! I'm awake!" I laughed, swatting his hand away. I then realised my current postion. My head was neatly tucked away between Jimin's lap, his chest and his leather jacket while my feet where laying comfortably up on my seat.

"The plane just landed. Up, up, up!" He ordered. I stood up from my seat and waited for Jimin to stand and stretch his legs.

He then grabbed my hand and led me down the steps of the plane. As soon as we reached the brottom he quickly grabbed my legs with one hand and then grabbed the back of my neck with the other, holding me bridal style.

I squealed when he brang me into his chest then started running with me in his arms.
"WE'RE BACK KOREA! AND WE CAME BACK ENGAGED!" He yelled while running at top speed.
"Omo! Shhhh! Jimin-ah! You're so embarrassing!" i said while hiding my face in his chest.
"Wait untill Jin-hyung hears! You'll be even more embarrased." Jimin chuckled as he slowed down to a walk as we entered the airport.
"Yah! Put me down! We need to go to passport controll!" i hissed. He smirked then slowly brang me back to my feet.

As soon as my feet hit the floor i glared at the boy then nudged him slightly.
"Your such a child." i pouted. He laughed then leaned in and pecked my lips gently.
"You love it." he smirked. Then a flight attendant came jogging from behind us. She stood behind Jimin as she caught her breath.

"Y-your h-hand luggage, S-sir. A-and your pet." she huffed while leaning on our small suitcase.
I gasped then grabbed the pet carrier from her then bowed.
"Kamsahmnida" I said softly. Then i felt Jimin's grip on the back of my neck pull me up right to stand straight.

"Yah!" i hissed into his ear. He looked at me bordley then waved the woman off. She bowed before returning to the plane.
"You're a princess, Jagi... And princesses should never bow." He said before wrapping his arm around my waist and pulling me inside with him.

"Why don't you let Chaeyeon out? She probably wants to stretch her legs from that long flight." Jimin suggested. I shook my head slightly.

"I don't think the airport would allow that. When we get outside after collecting our bags then we can let her out for a run before we go home." I said as we moved towards the back of the waiting line for passport controll.

"Jagi. We might as well be labled royalty. The airport in their right minds would never dare defy us. A small puppy walking next to us will hardly change that fact." Jimin said while rolling his eyes. I hesitantly glanced down at Chaeyeon who was curiously shoving her whole face into the see through fabric that caged her inside from the outside word.

Jimin sighed then bent down and unzipped her bag letting her hop out with a small happy bark. She circled me and Jimin a few times with her wagging tail the sat down contently next to my feet making my smile.

"See. Easy." He said. He then grabbed our hand luggage and led us to the front of the line cutting through the massive amount of people then stood still with a resting bitch face.

"Yah! Jimin! There's people waiting! Y-yah!" I whisper yelled. I awkwardly smiled at the people who started complaining that we were pushing in and held myself back from bowing repeatedly at Jimin's behaviour.

"My name is Park Jimin. And you will all shut your damn mouths and avert your eyes if you know what's good for you." Jimin said with a grin.

People started gasping and standing back while turing their faces. Some pulled their hoodies down to cover their faces, not wanting to be seen by 'The Park Jimin'. I sighed at Jimins announcement then slumped against him.

"I give up. You're impossible." I whined.

"Im glad you finally decided to be a good girl."


We walked down the hallway hand in hand. We were now sopposed to meet Jin-oppa. He said he would be the one picking us up from the airport that he would be bringing two others.
We entered the giant room that was filled with seats and people anxiously waiting arrivals.

"Princesssssssssss! My babbbbyyyyyyyyyyyy! You're backkkkkk!" A voice screamed. A man with broad shoulders run up to me and pulled me into a bone crushing hug.

"Hyunggg! You took my fiance from meee!" Jimin whined like a baby while stomping his foot.


"Princess, Is this true?" Jin then asked me softly.

Jimin lifted my hand proudly and shoved it into Jims face.
"Why would i lie?" He said smugly. "She's forever mine"

Jin screeched as he inspected the ring around my finger.
"I-I feel......I feel betrayed...My life is a lie...." he whispered to himself.

"It's not like were married oppa... You can still plan the wedding...." i said with a blush on my face.

"DAMN RIGHT I CAN STILL PLAN THE WEDDING. CHOP CHOP OFF TO THE CAR! WE'VE GOT A WEDDING TO PLA---Awwwwwwwwwwww is that a puppyyyyyy! Come here babbyyyyy!" Jin cooed as he approched Chaeyeon.

"His mood took a leap." Jimin snorted. His arm went around my neck and lazily hung over my shoulder.

A cough made us look up and finally acknowledge the two girls who stood awkwardly at the side.
"Can we help you?" i asked with a soft smile.
"W-were part of your devision. We're new recruits. I'm Lisa and this is Jisoo. It's nice to meet you princess" Lisa said with a shy smile. I grinned then bowed respectively to them.

"Well, welcome to my devsion and just call me (Y/n). I'm sure you know that this is Jimin." i introduced. Lisa's eyes flicked over to Jimin then set her gaze to her shoes.

"Lisa, Did you say? Lisa as in Lalisa Manoban?" Jimin asked with a raised brow. Her eyes widened as she nodded eratically.
"D-does that mean you know who i am?" she asked with round eyes.

"You're the outcome of the affair my father had with that Thai maid of ours, correct?"


(Author-Nim ~ Jimin knowwssssssssssss! Comment what you think! ILY Mochies!)

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