Best To Worst ~ Ch52

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Suprise chapter!

Flashback ☆

☆ (Y/n)'s Point of view ☆

"Babe. You need to let it go. Your brother is just a better gamer than you." I laughed. He huffed with a small pout then turned his face away to the side.
"I am a pro shooter and an amazing fighter, he obviously cheated. Nobody could actually beat me." He whined. I chuckled while rolling my eyes.
"Okay jagi, whatever you say." I said with a small smile.

He put his arm around my shoulder and brought me closer to him.
"You wanna go eat somewhere nice?" He asked me with a grin. I thought about it as i assesed how hungry i was before nodding at him.
"I want some meat." I nodded with a grin. He chuckled then agreed.
"Whatever my princess wants, she will get." He replied.

"Excuse me sir. Do you know where the nearest station is? I'm abit lost." A boy said sheepishly, scratching the back of his head. Jimin turnt back to the big with a raised brow.
"There's one around the corner, i believe." Jimin replied. The boy smiled then launched onto Jimin to hug him. I covered my mouth to stop myself from laughing out loud. Jimin glared at me as he awkwardly tapped the boy's back who kept repeating thank you to him.
"..... It's really not a big deal kid. You can get off of me now..." Jimin said hesiantly

The boy unwrapped his arms from Jimin's back before waving goodbye and walking to where Jimin directed him.
Jimin stood still while glaring at nothing in particular.

"You've got to be kidding me." He groaned before looking back at the boy who was walking faster.
"He took my wallet, didn't he?" He glared.
I giggled while nodding.
"Yep." I said whilst popping the P.
Jimin huffed then watched boy turn back to us with a smirk.

"Oy kid! Get your ass back here!" Jimin yelled. The boy then took off in a sprint. Jimin muttered under his breath before running after him. I giggled as i strolled forwards towards the chase.
"You cant outrun me, old man!" The boy yelled to Jimin.
Jimin bit his lip then ran faster after him. The boy took a sharp turn to the next street, making his slow down during the turn. Jimin ran straight for the wall then lifted his leg and kicked himself into the air and leaped over the kid. He landed right infront of him. The kid skidded to a stop while gasping out of suprise.

"One. I am not old. Two. I've chased and been chased my whole life. I know what I'm doing." Jimin told him before snatching back his wallet. Then kid put his head down in shame. When i finially caught up to them i walked towards the boy.
"Stealing isn't nice." I said scoldingly. He scoffed.

"You think i don't know that? I'm not an uneducated baby." He hissed. I raised his brow at his temper.
"I didn't say you were... Why did you steal?" I asked him.
"So i can actually eat." He rolled his eyes as he spoke.
"How long has it been since you ate?" I asked him.
"4 days." He replied.

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