Snakeu ~ Ch11

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Chapter Title ~ SnakeuLanguage ~ English Song Reference ~ One Shot by B

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Chapter Title ~ Snakeu
Language ~ English
Song Reference ~ One Shot by B.A.P

(Y/n)'s point of view ☆

"Are we there yet?" i moaned. I forced my feet to move step by step. Jihyun said that getting to this cafe would take about 5 minutes.
'It's down the block' he said. It's been 20 damn minutes! My legs freaking hurt.
"Yeah were close" Jihyun said montone. He's been acting abit weird since we left. I looked over at Jimin who looked like he was thinking the same thing.

Jimin leaned over to my ear and whispered, "Be ready for anything... Do you still have your daggers on you?" He asked. I nodded in response. As much as Jimin loves his brother. Never in a million years would he trust his family. Besides he hasn't known his brother for that long. From what i heard his brother lived with his god father while Jimin's dad took Jimin since he was old enough to help out in the gang.

We continued to walk for a few more minutes when Jihyun stopped in the middle of an empty street which was blocked off further ahead down the road. What the hell? I reached into my boot and pulled out a dagger and kept it hidden from Jihyun's line of sight.

He slowly turned around to face me and Jimin. He had tears streaming down his face and his eyes were puffy. 
"Im sorry hyung. I-i heard you ran BTS and i had to t-turn you in. I just had to. P-please f-forgive me." He sobbed. Out of nowhere agents started to pop out of bushes and surrounded the area. Jimin groaned.

"I came here to make my girl happy and this just had to happen didn't it" he huffed. He pulled his gun out of his belt while i pulled my other dagger out of my other ankle. Looks like were gonna have to fight. Not what i expected when i woke up this morning.

"Jihyun....i am going to slap you once this is over" Jimin hissed. I shook my head dissopointingly at Jihyun while his eyes widened at me.
"You knew? And your still with him?" He asked in disbelief. I nodded and replied
"You will understand once you find someone Jihyun" i said softly.
"Lets cut the chit chat and just arrest you. How bout it?" An american accent said over a speaker. He spoke in english. Luckily i know english.

"What makes you think we'l join you so willingly mate?" I said in english. He laughed and said, "Wow you speak english. Such a shame your talent was wasted on a gang darling. Now just give yourself up" he ordered.

I laughed then translated our whole conversation to Jimin. He chuckled then said "Let's hurry this up Jagi. I'm still planning to take you to the beach after were done." i laughed then nodded. By the time our conversation was finished we were completely surrounded in a circle formation by 15 men. They are all idiots.

The man signaled to shoot at will then thet fired at Jimin only? Huh? Am i missing something? Jimin fell to the ground and kneeled down. Then he quickly pulled his gun and fired at the 5 soldiers in front of him in their heads. He was wearing a bulletproof vest so i wasn't worried.

They probably wanted to get rid of the leader first then the irrelevant follower. I charged at the man in front of me and stabbed him and the neck then turned his body to block imcoming shots fired by the man next to him.

I took the agents small gun at the back of his belt and fired at the men next to me. Then the useless gun ran out of bullets so i jumped onto a man and pushed a presure point on his neck which cut off the flow of blood to his brain. This was the only pressure point teqnique i knew how to do but it is the most effective.

He fell to the floor limply then i threw my daggers at a man who was targeting Jimin. Jimin shot another 3 soldiers but then dropped the gun because the trigger was stuck which left 2 more soldiers to deal with. One man infront of me and the other infront of Jimin. Me and Jimin backed up and went back to back.

He whispered lowly "Give me the gun. I've got bullets and here's your daggers. I took it out of some dudes neck."

I slowly picked the gun out of my back pocket and shoved it in his back pocket while he carefully dropped the knives into my boots dagger holder.
"On the count of three.
One......two........three!" He shouted while reloading his gun im the blink of an eye while the enemy was attempting to reload his own gun.

Jimin shot him in the head before he had a chance to look up to see what was going on I reached down into my boot as soon as my enemy hit the trigger and then ducked. The bullet went to Jimin's back but i didn't have to worry because of his bulletproof vest.

I picked out my dagger and threw it so that it landed in between his eyes. He then fell to the ground with a thud. I heard cursing behind me. I turned to see Jimin galring at me
"Thanks for warning me princess" 

I sheepishly smiled and shrugged my shoulders. He huffed playfully.
"How did you defeat all of my men?!" We heard a yell.
I spoke up and said  "They were child's play. Now why don't you go run along to your own country because your the only stupid man who challenged Bangtan, you fool."

He glared at me angrily then got into his van and drove away. Leaving me, Jimin and Jihyun. Oh that boy is gonna get it from me.
Jimin walked over to Jihyun and punched him right in the jaw. He fell to the ground and groaned in pain.

"You idiot!" Jimin yelled. I walked over to Jihyun and grabbed him by the ear and pushed him against the wall. He winced and stared at me with tears streaming down his face. I bit the inside of my cheek. Im holding myself from slapping him at the moment.
"You didn't think to talk to us about it before contacting the police?" I said raising my brow.

"You guys are the bad people. You'd probably kill me. Heck your probably gonna kill me now" he whispered. I laughed dryly
"Trust me Jihyun. Im really considering it"

I let got of him and went back to Jimin who was sitting on the pavement floor at the side of the road. He looked deep in thought and very stressed.
"What do you wanna do with him?" I asked.

"I don't know. If i let him be i won't know if i can count on him not to go story telling to the next police man that walks past. If i take him with me he'l probably die and im not loosing the only family member ive got left........damn it....i don't know what to do jagi....Help" he whispered. I sat down next to him and took his hands in mine then suggested,
"Lets talk to him first....then if he dosent cooperate wel can either take him with us or threaten him....if he does cooperate we can let him be but hide a microphone in his apartment and a little camera outside his amartment. That way we know if hes gonna snake us out."

He smiled and looked up at me then kissed my cheek and nodded.
"You always know what to do" He laughed.
"What can i say? Its god's gift to me for being so handy" i said as i got up and pulled him with me. We walked towards Jihyun who was tremebling against the wall.
"So there's two ways this is gonna go snakeu.
1st is that you go home happy and we'l pretend this never happened.
The 2nd way is that your gonna come with us by force.
And that depends on what you plan to do if we let you go on with your life. So what do you say snakeu?"
Jimin snickered at the nickname while Jihyun barely payed attention to it. He sniffed.
"I'm sorry. I was just angry that you never told me . I didn't want to tell on you. I just thought that it was the right thing to do. Please let me go home. I promise that i won't tell anyone ever again. I don't want to lose a friend and my own brother for my stupid mistake." he confessed. I smiled at Jimin who sighed in relief. Jimin then patted Jihyuns shoulder.
"Your forgiven bro" Jimin said.
Jihyun smiled and repeatedly daid "Thank you hyung"

"Can you accually take us to the cafe now, snakeu?"

(Author-Nim ~ Please comment. I love reading your comments, it makes me really happy! Hope you liked this chapter. Fighting!)

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