My Jimin ~ Ch56

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☆ (Y/n)'s Point of view ☆

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☆ (Y/n)'s Point of view ☆

My eyes fluttered open and closed again slightly as a yawn broke free from my mouth. I looked at the clock that hung above the door of the room and read out '7.18Pm'. I sighed noticing i lost two hours of the day that i could have been spending helping Jackson controll my own gang.

Ever since Jackson came he's helped greatly at doing Jimin's job since it was so hard for me to do both his and my own job. He also seems to of gotten over me, guessing by the way he stares at Ciara. It also seems that Hoseok has noticed these stares and isn't too happy about the guy he most hates having a crush on his sister.

I slowly got out of bed and pulled the hood of Jimin's hoodie further up my head so that it hung slightly over my eyes. I reached tiredly for my phone and then lazily put on my slippers before walking out of my room. I snuggled my hands into the pockets then went down the stairs.

My eyes couldn't help but stare and the tinsel that was wrapped loosely around the rails. I smiled at the memory of Jimin whining about how much work it was.

"But our stair case goes on for four floors. Four Jagi. That will take me yearrrrsss"

I shook his cute pout out of my head and continued down the stairs untill i reached the ground floor. The base felt too quiet to me but i shook that feeling off, thinking that everyone was probably outside training. Once i was in the coridoor i made sure to look inside every room that i passed, making sure everything was normal. And it was... So why do i feel uneasy?

I walked to the kitchen, seeing Jin sitting on a stool whilst filling up hundreds of wine glasses with champagne. My brows furrowed as i peeked over his shoulder.
"Whatchya doing?" I asked softly. He jumped instantly clutching at his heart with a yelp coming out of his mouth.
"You bloody scared me half to death!" He scolded. I giggled softly before bowing.
"Sorry." I apologised, my chuckles slowly dying down.

"I'm only preparing it." He replied.
"Preparing for wh--" he cut me off quickly.
"Has Lisa found you yet? I'm sure she was looking for you?" He asked me. I completely forgot the question i was going to ask and just decided to answer his instead.

"No. Why is she looking for me?" I asked after shaking my head. He avoided my question and looked at the time on his phone.
"Oh my. It's almost 7.30!" He exclaimed, he grabbed my hand and led me outside into the garden. It was quiet and peaceful like it usually was.

"What's going on Jin?" I asked him. He winked before leaving me alone in the garden and walking back inside. My eyes followed him as he left, leaving me in confusion. My brows furrowed i walked further into the garden, deciding to sit on a bench as a wave of fatigue suddenly washed over me.

I've been feeling so weak lately, not to mention the vomitting that has been happening during the day. My nurse said it is my body's side affects of healing my wounds which didn't even make sense to me. It sounds way to sketchy but i don't understand the reason for her to like to me about somthing like this. I push all my doubts to the side when i see Chaeyeon walk over to me. I smiled and patted my lap but she didn't jump on.

I frowned slightly but recovered after she started tugging on my finger gently. I giggled and got out of my seat to follow her. She led me to the Sakura tree that i knew all too well. I smiled and petted her head softly.
"This tree is so fun to climb!" A voice said from above me. I looked up, bringing my hamd infront of my eyes as the setting sun shone directly on my. I squinted, attempting to see the person that spoke.

Then they jumped from on of the branches and landed infront of me. Blonde hair was the first featire i saw untill they moved their head up. My eyes widened, recognising a familiar face that i haven't seen in forever.

"J-Jisungie?" I stuttered in shock. His freshly dyed blonde hair was a new feature that brang out the colour in his eyes. His bangs were neatly layed over his eyes, making him shake them out of his sight. My eyes watered as i ran towards him. I brang him to my chest and hugged the life out of him.

"I haven't seen you in forever!" I almost cried.
"You're as tall as me now!" I noticed, looking him directly in the eyes. He scratched the back of his head.
"Actually eomma, i think I'm taller than you..." he said shyly. I giggled then slapped his arm playfully.
"Stop calling me eomma. It makes me sound like a granny." I scolded while chuckling. He shook his head with a cute smile.

"Your going to have to deal with it since now I'm technically your son." He informed me with a sly smirk. My jaw dropped as a gasp came from my mouth.
"B-but how?" I asked him in shock.
"Jimin adopted me." He told me while holding a peace sign.
"B-but Jimin's in a cell? H-how did he even....." i trailed off, shock taking over my whole body. I remember how much Jimin hated the idea of adopting Jisung. I remember our first and only fight.

"You're being unreasonable (Y/n)! We are not taking in a 14 year old. We are still young. We're not ready to be taking care of a kid. Let alone a young teen that isn't even ours! We're not even married for God sake!"

"But he's not in a cell. He's behind you eomma..." Jisung mumbled with a soft smile. My eyes widened as i slowly turnt the other way, laying eyes on a blonde Jimin. His hair was freshly dyed a beautiful shade of blonde which matches Jisung's perfectly. I wondered who dyed it for him since i was always the one who dyed it.

He had blue eye contacts in and his blue silk top complimented him even more. He had my ring in his outstreached hands, sparkling in the sunlight with pride. He's back... Not the Jimin that goes crazy for such small things... My Jimin...My Jimin was back.

Then he spoke up with a smile that reassured me that everything was going to be alright,

"Forgive me?"

(Author-nim ~ Please comment what you thought! I hope you enjoyed the chapter!)

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