Bogosipda ~ Ch54

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Lisa's Point of View ☆

"Is this the place?" I askes Bambam. He nodded, puting his arm around my waist and leading us through the gates.
Then a bunch of kids started running out of the building, pushing past us roughly as they laughed loudly.

"Yah! Come back here!" A lady yelled furiously as she chased after the red head.
"Haechan! Give that back!" A blonde boy yelled as he ran after them.
"No thanks. I think I'll keep this. It's a nice necklace! Why didn't your mummy give me one too?!" Haechan laughed. The blonde boy growled at him and tried to grab the necklace back.
"Where have you been hiding this thing, huh? How come i only found it now?" Haechan asked him, twirling the necklace between his fingers.

"Yah! Give it back to him!" Bambam shouted, finally stepping in.
"Who are you?" A brown haired boy asked with a glare. Bambam stood over him, covering his light.
"Someone you don't wanna mess with." Bambam growled.
"Jeno, back down." Haechan told him. Jeno stood behind Haechan who stood with a glare infront of BamBam.
Haechan gave BamBam the necklace then walked off with a glare.

The blonde boy walked towards bambam with a raised brow.
"Who are you?" He asked rudely. Bambam scoffed.
"The guy that got your necklace back buddy." Bambam replied with an annoyed tone. The boy snatched the necklace out of his hand.
"Thanks." He huffed out before turning his back.

"Wait!" I yelled out yo him. He turned his head tiredly.
"What?" He asked. He put his necklace on as he waited for us to speak.
"Do you know a boy called Jisung?" I asked. His eyes widened slightly before continuing to glare.

"Why?" He asked back.
"(Y/n) and Jimin are adopting him." Bambam replied. I furrowed my brows.
"He wouldn't know who Jimin and (Y/n) is, stupid. Literally only Jisung would know them." I said in a 'duh' tone. Bambam smirked and shook his head.
"I have a feeling he knows who I'm talking about, don't you....Jisung?" Bambam asked.

Jisung scoffed and turned around.
"You've got the wrong guy." He said quietly before walking off.
"So you're telling me that the hoodie your wearing says Jisung 02 is by coincidence?" Bambam laughed. Jisung the turned around with a glare.
"What do you want from me?" He asked finally.

"Like we said before. (Y/n) and Jimin are going to adopt you." I said with a soft smile.
"Then why aren't they here right now?" He asked me with uncertainty as he put on his necklace and hid it under his shirt.
"Well... It's complicated." I laughed sheepishly, "But just know that (Y/n) has no clue about this happening. We're making you to be a suprise."
His brows raised.
"A suprise? Why?" He questioned. He now started to walk towards to stand right infront of us.

"Well (Y/n) is mad at Jimin and this was the only way he could think of." Bambam chuckled.
"Wait. So Jimin would of never wanted to adopt me if he never made her mad?" Jisung asked, looking abit hurt. I gasped and nudged BamBam back taking the lead in the talking.

"No no. He would of. It's just now is the best time becaus he wants to see her happy. It's been a while since she's been happy." I told him sadly. He started to sympathise with (Y/n) as he bit his lip.
"So Jimin thinks that if i go with you guys then she can be happy again? Is that why she hasn't seen me in a while, because she wasn't happy?" Jisung askes softly with a hint of sadness.

"Well she got kidnapped then lost her memories then got them back and finally got shot. That may be why she hasn't seen you in quite some time." I chuckled. Jisung gasped in shock.
"She got shot? Is she okay?" He almost screamed. I stepped back with my hands up in defense.

"She's healing. " i winced, "I'm not sure about my ears though..." i mumbled.
He then looled down at the floor and held his necklace to his neck with a tight grip.
"I'll come with you. But only for (Y/n). I want her to be happy again." He concluded.
I smiled at him then bowed.

"Thank you." I said happily.

☆ (Y/n)'s Point of view ☆

"Do you want some water?"

"No thank you. I'm not thirsty."

"Should i get you a blanket?"

"I'm not cold, Jin."

"How about a pilllo---"

"JIN! For God's sake! You've been babying me all day? What is going on?" I huffed out in frustration. Jin pouted and then went back to the kitchen counter.
"I'm just making sure you're okay!" He defended, "You just got shot! Let me baby you!" He continued. I rolled my eyes then looked over at Jungkook who has stayed silent since i got here.

"And you. What your excuse for the way you're acting?" I asked him with a raised brow. He snaped out of his trance and looked over at me with a shook face.
"I've just been...thinking." he told me.
"Okay..." i said suspiciously.

Then Yoongi came running in....Wait a second...

Yoongi can run?!

"I GOT THE TEXT! SO YOU'RE SUR---" He cut hjmself off after seing me staring at him in shock. Then he looked over at Jin who was glaring at him then motioned for him to keeo his lips sealed.
"So you're sure... there's no more meat?" He asked Jin. I looked at him in suspicion aswell.
"What's wrong with you guys today?" I questioned.
"Nothing." Jin defended. Then he grabbed Yoongi by the ear and dragged him to another room.

I looked at them weirdly before getting up out of my seat and walking to my room.
I passed Chaeyeon on the way there, sleeping peacefully on her blanket under the stairs. I smiled softly before continuing to go to my room.
When i got there, i pulled one of Jimin's hoodies out of the draw and pulled it over myself. I felt safe as his scent danced around me. I couldn't wait untill he was with me again.

I walked to my bed and got under the covers, sleeping on Jimin's side and pressing my face against his pillow.

I miss you, Jimin.

(Author-Nim ~ Btw what did you think of Txt? I forgot to ask last week! I was thinking of writing a fanfic for my bias (Beomgyu) or maybe another member if you guys want them. But I'm not sure about a story line. Please comment you thoughts! ILY Mochies!)

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