Beautiful Stranger ~ Ch25

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☆ (Y/n)'s Point of view ☆

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☆ (Y/n)'s Point of view ☆

"Stay safe."

"I will."

"Eat healthy."

"I know."

"Stay warm at night."

"Will do."

"And don't trust anyo---"

"JIMIN!" i yelled. He gave me a pout then pulled me back in for a hug as he rested his head ontop of my own.
"Im sorry jagi." he whispered. I sighed then kissed his neck gently.
"It's okay. I have to go now okay Jimin?" i said. I looked back up at his to see him with watery eyes and a frown on his face. He blinked away his tears and nodded.

"Kill them quickly araso? Then come back to me." he he said. I nodded with a sad smile. Then i walked through the gate with Hoseok at my side.

"Saranghae!" i heard Jimin yell. I giggled then gave him a finger heart.
Then we started to make our way back to Hano's gang. This mission better go well. I've had too many screw ups to count.

☆ 2 Days later ☆

"My beautiful daughter i have a suprise for you!" i heard that ugly man say in a horrible high pitched voice. I huffed out of annoyance then put a beliveable fake smile waiting for him as he entered the room.

"What is it appa?" i asked in a sweet voice.
"I bought you a lovely dress! We will be having a guest over in a few days and i need you to look your absolute best!" he said with a smile. Ugh. Knowing him it would be a bright pink dress with roses and lilies attachted to it----

"Ah here it is!" he said as a guy came in with the dress and dumped it in my hands before leaving with a deep sigh.....rude.
Oh. And of course.... Pink.

"Appa do you mind if i go to the mall with Hobi oppa to get some shoes and some jewellery?" i asked while batting my lashes. He thought for a while then finally nodded his head.
"Okay but you have to be back by 7. Something bad could happen to you." he said. Hah. Like you care.

I wanted to laugh but i nodded anyway as he handed my his black card. If he's this rich to have a black card why are we in this dump of a base? I quickly put on my shoes and left the room after kissing my fathers sweaty fish face.

I walked to hobis room which was literally a few steps away from my own then knocked on his door.
"Come in" he said. I walked in then sat on his bed.
"We're going shopping." i said. He walked out of his bathroom without a shirt making me groan and close my eyes.

"You've seen me without a shirt before. Whats the problem?" he asked with a chuckle.

"The problem is that your my friend's boyfriend and that chest is taken. Which could cause me problems if she were to walk in." i said. He laughed as i heard a draw close.
"You can look now." he said. I opened my eyes and saw him leaning against the wall.
"Well put on your shoes then!" i said loudly. He put his arms up in surrender then put on some flip flops. Whatever. I can't be asked to shout anymore. Then we made our way to the mall.


"Omg is that g
Gucci?! Omg that's Gucci! Hobi hurry up were going in there!" i yelled as i picked up my pace. Hoseok groaned as he tried to keep up with me.

"Don't you have enough Gucci from all the presents Taehyung gave you?" he moaned while looking down at the hundreds of bags he was forced to hold. To be honest thats the least he could do after killing my dog so......

I glared at him as we entered Gucci.

"Does it matter?" i asked. He gave up on talking to me and collaped in the seats at the corner of the shop.

"That dress over there seems like it should suit you." I heard a voice say. I looked up from the rack of tops I was looking up to meet eyes with.... a damn right handsome man. Like i mean I've got a man but... wow... That dosent mean i can't appreciate this specimens beauty, right?

"Oh um t-thank you!" i stuttured. Did i just stutter? What the hell! Snap out of it! I walked over to the dress he pointed at and examined it. He was right though. This would definetly suit me.

"Try it on." he suggested with a smile. I nodded shly then scurried to the waiting room to try it on. I put it on as quickly as possible so i could see this mans reaction. Which i didn't realise i so desperately needed?

I drew the curtain back and saw the man sitting on the couch with his legs spread apart and his head leaning back. His lap looks ready to be sat on. Crap. What am i saying? Argh!

"That. Looks. Sexy. Damn." he said as he rubbed his bottom lip. I shly looled down to my feet and fiddled with my fingers.

"What your name beautiful?" he asked as he circled around me, admiring me from all angles.

"(Y/n)" i said. He smiled then kissed my cheek then gently nudged me back into the changing room. He closed the curtain behind me so i could get chaged.

"My name is Jackson. How about i buy you this dress and we can go get something to eat?" he asked making sure i could hear him from behind the curtain. His name sounded odly familiar... Probably from a kdrama or something.

I drawed the cutains back after i got changed then looked up at him. Damn he was so tall compared to Jimin.

"Um. There's so need for that. My dad gave me his black card." i said shyly. He chuckled.

"So your a daddy's girl then?" he asked with a smirk. Why did i feel as if that had two meanings?

"Not as much as you'd think" i replied as i payed for the dress.

"Where are you from Jackson?" i asked as we walked out of the shop together.

"Hong kong. I came to korea for a buisness trip actually. I came a few days earlier than expected but oh well" he replied. My eyes widened.

"That's so cool!" i gushed. He chuckled then patted my head like a baby.

"Your so cute!"he chuckled as he wrapped his arm around my waist, holding me as we entered the cafe.

Crap. I forgot Hoseok.

(Author-Nim ~ Please comment what you thought! Im holding a Q&A so please comment any question you guys might have! Please don't anything personal like my name/age because im a catious and shy potato! I will answer every question as long as im comfortable to tell you the answer! Questions will be answered induvidually in the comments! Love you! Fighting!

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