Allies ~ Ch18

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☆ Jimin's Point of view ☆

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☆ Jimin's Point of view ☆

"Jimin. Calm down. You need a clear head if you want to find her" Taehyung said as came up behind me. I laughed hysterically.

"Clear head? CLEAR HEAD!? You, little boy have no right to tell me to clear my head. Oh maybe you want to know how i feel? Araso, I'll show you" I said as i pulled out my gun from he waistband of my trousers.
I pointed the gun at Taehyung as his eyes widened as they were fixated on the object infront of him.

"Jimin. You wouldn't actua--" I cut him off with the trigger of my gun...

I shot him in the shoulder, somewhere it would hurt like hell but not do any serious damadge.

"JIMIN!" Namjoon yelled as he rushed to Taehyung who dropped to his knees in pain.

"Now Taehyung... Do your damn job and remember 'You need to have a clear head if you want to find her' " i mocked. He groaned in pain and slumped into Namjoon's arms. Nurses then rushed in to help him. I pushed past them and made my way to Namjoon's homeroom where the tracker devision were working to find (y/n).

"I GIVE YOU GUYS FIVE MINUTES! And if i hear no answers...... I'm going to kill every last one of you." I smiled.

"He's insane..."

☆ (Y/n)'s point of view ☆

They are going to erase all my damn memories... They told me the only thing im going to remember is probably my name and a birthday or something.

My past. My friends. Sakura. Jimin. Gone. Just like that.
"Hey... I brang you some food" A girl said walking into the room. My head was facing towards the window. I payed no mind to what meal she was setting up beside me. I tried to figure out where we were but on the outside there is only trees and more trees. That doesn't help at all.

"I cooked it myself. I hope you like it. It's a simple Kimichi but i hope it tastes good. They never let me order you take out" she whispered. Why is she trying so hard to be nice?

"Stop trying to be nice. Because at the end of the day... Your part of the gang that's going to take my memories. AKA everything I've ever loved. Besides it's not like I'm going to remember your kindness or you at all." i spat. She looked towards her feet and fiddled with her fingers.

"I don't agree with what their doing to you and i wouldn't be in a gang if it wasn't for my mum who sold me into this gang for money when i was 11. And i would of left along time ago if i never found the person i truly love..." She mumbled. My hard gaze softened at her shy form. It's not her fault (y/n). Don't be so salty.

"I'm sorry." i said. She looked up and smiled at me then skipped over to the chair next to the bed that i was chained to and sat down.
"My names Yeseul! I hope we can become friends in whatever time you've got left" she said smiling. I smiled softly back then looked at the tray on my lap and raised a brow.
"You know.... I'm going to have fun eating this........with my hands chained to the mattress." i said. She gasped and then laughed.

"Sorry (y/n)-ah ! I completely forgot! Il get the key now!" She said quickly as she rumaged through the draw next to me for the key.
"(y/n)-ah?" i asked with a laugh.
"Well i am older than you by a year and im really bad at making nicknames so il stick to formality" she giggled as she finally found the key and unlocked one of my wrists.
"Sorry I'm only allowed to unlock one wrist. They said that if i unlocked both that i would be knocked out in 2 seconds flat by you" she laughed. I nodded then turned to my food as my belly growled in anticipation.

"Could you do my chopsicks for me?" i asked holding it out to her. She nodded and took them from my hand then separated them and handed them back.
Then i started to eat like a mad woman. I didn't know i was so damn hungry.

I hate my situation right now. Im a sitting duck waiting for my own end. Sure im not dying but once i lose my memory... This me won't be me anymore.

And what's worse... My father is going to manipulate me to do his bidding and i wont even realise it. Im so damn weak.

Once i finished my food i sighed then closed my eyes and leaned my head back up against the pillow. Then i fell asleep.

☆ Timeskip ☆

I felt two arms roughly shaking me back and forth.

"Wakey! Wakey!" a gruff voice said. I opened my eyes and immediately stared into my father's eyes. He smirked then pointed to the clock. I gasped and started at the clocked which read '21: 52'. WHAT THE HELL? IT WAS LITERALLY TEN THIRTY PM WHEN I WENT TO SLEEP?! 

"We drugged your food." A voice said from the corner of the room. I turned my face to meet Hoseok who was leaned against the wall. He looked frustrated... But right now who cares about that.

In less then 10 minutes that serum is going to be ready. And I'm going to forget everything! I struggled against my chains and tried to forcefully open them. I knew it wasn't going to work but right now I'm scared as hell and doing something was better than doing nothing.

"Il go check on the serum. Hoseok. Watch her." my father ordered. Then Hano walked out of the room with a sway in his steps. Proud bastard. Once he left the room Hoseok came and stood before me.

"Look, I'm not as bad as you think i am. That guy you used to know back at the gang. That's still me and i never faked how happy i was when i was with BTS. I work here for the money and to fullfill a debt to Kim Joghyun since he saved my life when i was younger. Nothing more. I don't like having to do this to you but it's my job. And i can't go against orders. So il tell you this.
The serum that they cooked up is amateurs work. You won't remember anything on your own but you can trigger them back. You will need a really strong emotional trigger. Your boyfriend ain't gonna cut it. When you lose your memories me and Yeseul will try and help you get them back." he said to me. His head was down, almost making his seem apologetic.

"Why should i trust you? And why would you try and help me?" i asked with a brow raised 

"Because when Yeseul found out i snuck that knock out powder into your food she was angry with me and we had an argument because she wanted to make friends with you. But in that argument she made me realise that i don't need to stay somewhere I'm not happy. So what i ask in return is that when you get your memories back.... I want you to kill Kim Jonghyun.... Then Choi Hano." He said. By now he stared into my eyes with all seriousness. I nodded at him.

"Don't think that for a second that i forgive you for what you done Hoseok. Were allies for now... But you will never earn my forgivness for killing Sakura... Never in a million years" i spat. He nodded grimly.

Then Hano came back in with 2 men standing behind him.

"Its time dearest daughter" he chuckled. Then he flicked his wrist signaling to start the procedure. Then the men grabbed my wrist and found my vein in an instant.

Here it goes...

Then they injected me with the serum with no remorse detected. I closed my eyes as my body went limp.

☆ Jimin's point of view ☆

"Remind me boys..... WHY THE FUCK AM I TIED UP?!" I yelled at the 5 BTS members who stood at the front of the room ordering the men around and doing my damn job.

"Because one - You shot Taehyung and we have no idea what your limits are. Two - When we walked in you were reloading your gun while talking about how you were about to shoot every person in the room. Which happened to be my devision. And that my friend is a no-no. And Three - You have already killed 31 of our men and the rest of them pretty much think you belong in a mental instutution..." Namjoon explained as he cut some ducktape and gently covered my swearing mouth with it. Then he patted my head like a dog.

"Just sit tight while i find our Princess...Araso?"

(Author-Nim ~ I hope you like! Please comment! ILY Mochies!)

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