Rain Fire ~ Ch47

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Suprise Early Chapter!

☆ Jimin's Point of view ☆

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☆ Jimin's Point of view ☆

I walked down the street, whistling tunes as i played around with the gun in my hand. I spun it between my fingers and smirked as i found myself in front of Exo's base.
My whole devision stood behind me, each memeber with a weapon in thier hands.
"If the fucker thinks he's getting away with anything. Then he's dead ass wrong." I chuckled.

Then held up my hand an signaled for everyone to charge in. There were two look outs at the entrance of the street but i took care of them a few moments ago. Now they lay on the ground lifelessly with a bullet embedded into each of their eyes.

The door was barged open by Lucas who then pulled out his machine gun and started shooting everyone inside.
I smirked strolling inside the base and smiled as i watched all the men fall to the ground and add onto the pile of dead bodies. It was pleasing to watch.

My amusment didn't last long as a glint of light went past my eyes. I reacted quick and moved to the side before the rifle shot bullets into where i previously stood.

"Before you decide to make a move, remove anything that catches light and can draw your enemies attention." I spoke up to him. He gritted his teeth then looked at me up and down.
"Like you can chat. Your engagement ring is on for show for the world to see." The man said pointedly. I laughed and admired my finger.
"Maybe i want the world to see? It's not like I'm hiding. I came to your base head on. You're Kai, i take it?" I chuckled. He glared at me then pulled out his handgun, ignoring my question.

"What makes you think i won't just order my men to start shooting bullets at you untill I'm satisfied with your dead body on the floor?" He asked whilst squinting his eyes at me. I smirked.
"Because I've got something you want." I said with a grin. He chuckled.
"And what might that be?" He said with a laugh.
"Jennie Kim."
His eyes widened in shock.

I have you right where i want you.

"I'll give you Jennie and we will call it a truce. My men won't come near yours and vise versa." I proposed. He squinted his eyes sceorically.
"How do i know you have her?" He asked as he lowered himself from the 1st floor using the spiral rusted metal staircase.

I brang my phone out from my pocket and opened up my gallery then clicked on a picture i took of Jennie after i beat her senseless.
His moutch twitched angrily seeing her in the state that she was but he didn't say anything.
He nodded at me then held out his hamd for me to shake. I smirked and gladly shook it.

"When will you hand her over?" He asked me.
"Today if you're lucky." I said to him. He nodded with a small smile that he tried to hide. Too obvious.
"See you later then." I said. Then i turned away with a lingerling smirk on my face and walked out of the base. I gracefully closed the doors behind me and winked at Kai before it closed.

Too easy.

I turned to face Yuta, one of my men who had skills in wireing devices.
"Has it been done?" I asked with a smirk. He nodded and handed me a small hand gadget with a red button.
I stepped into the van and opened my window to stare at Exo's base.

"And I say, 'Let it rain fire'!" I yelled with a laugh beore clicking the red button.

Then boom. The base exploded, flames seeped out of every door and open window. The fire was rose up and enveloped the whole building. 
I laughed evily.

"YOU THOUGHT YOU WOULD GET AWAY WITH IT?! I'M PARK JIMIN! NOBODY HURTS MY PRINCESS AND LIVES TO BRAG ABOUT IT. YOU'RE DEAD YOU BASTARD! YOU ACTUALLY THOUGHT I WOULD GIVE YOU YOUR GIRL? YOU'RE MORE STUPID THEN I THOUGHT!" I yelled to the building that was swimming in fire. I licked my lips as i watched it burn, the roof fell into the building and glass pieces fell to the floor.

"Drive." I ordered.

☆ (Y/n)'s Point of view ☆

Step by step i inched towards the boys in confusion.
8 bodies chained to the wall, hanging in agony. They were all bruised and Jungkook looked lile he was on deaths door.
"Get us down (Y/n)!" Jin urged. I nodded, pushing all my confusion and anger to the side to grab the key from the shelf next to the door.

I unlocked Jin first, gasping after seeing the bruises around his ankles and his wrists. He didn't pay much attention to them as he snatched the keys from my hands and dragged himself over to Jungkook. He unclocked his chains then hauled him into his arms. He then unlocked Taehyung with one hand and threw him the keys to unlock everyone else. Then he ran upstairs with Jungkook swaying in his arms.

Taehyung immediately ran to unlock Jennie's chains, supporting her untill her feet touched the floor.
"Any day now." Yoongi said sarcastically to Taehyung as he checked the wounds on Jennie's face and arms.
"Sorry hyung." He apologised, pink dusting his already bloodied cheeks. His busted lip didn't interfere with the boxy smile he couldn't helo but show.

"Somebody explain to me what the fuck is going on?!" I yelled desperately. Yoongi chuckled bitterly.
"Your fiance has cracked and had finally showed his real face once again." Yoongi muttered dryly as he stumbled out of the chains. Hoseok and Namjoon still haven't woken up yet so the boys carried them to the table and layed them there. Jennie grabbed a cup of water from the tap in the corner of the room and splashed them with it, waking them up instantly.

They shot up straight away and started wiping their faces frantically.
"Fuck that was cold!" Namjoon growled.
"Could someone at least get me a towel--OWWW HOLY FUCK MY STOMACH HURTS!" Hoseok cut himself off after sitting up straight from the table.

"(Y/n), what the hell happened to us?" Namjoon asked with a raised brow. I chuckled dryly.
"Trust me, I'm the last person you should be asking that question." I said to him. Then his eyes widened as they both gasped at the same time.
"YOU'RE AWAKE!" They both yelled at the same yime. I winced and covered my ears after their loud outburst, missing how Jimin would cover my ears for me when he could sense a yell coming.

He was always so gentle...

I breathed in slowly, closing my eyes in irritation as everyone talled to each other about their pain and suffering.

I didn't care about that right now. They were alive that's all that matters.
I just want to know :
One -  Why the fuck they were chained there?
Two - Who the fuck beat them up?
Three - Where is that man that calls himself my fucking fiance?!

"Enough with the outbursts. Jungkook is getting help and you guys are not in need of serious treatment. SO CAN SOMEONE EXPLAIN TO ME WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING WITHOUT THE USE OF SARCASM?!"

(Author-Nim ~ Hey Mochies! I hope you liked your suprise chapter! Q&A is still open! Also any underrated kpop group/soloist suggestions?)

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