Tonight ~ Ch33

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Thank you to all the mochies listed above!

Jimin's point of view

"Jimin! Get in! The water it's so warm!" She called out to me. I chuckled and shook my head.
"I'll get in soon jagi." i said back. She stuck out her tongue to me the continued swimming with BamBam, Jackson and Mark in the water.

I was perfectly content watching her have fun after all that she's been through over the past two months. She seemed so happy in Hong Kong and it saddens me to say we only have a week left here before we fly back to Korea and continue to run our gang.

However before we go back to Korea there is something i want to do. But i need to wait for the perfect time. I've made preparations with Jackson and he's guided me through everything i need to do and now i just have to wait for a time to do it.

So far in Hong kong we have guided Jackson through everything he needs to know about running a gang. It took a while for him to get a hang of having 7 devisions but in the end it was worth it because Got7 became the next big thing in China's gangs and Got7 has now had over 300 people join into the training programs since me and (Y/n) have got here.

We've done all the hard work and now we could relax for the last week we have in China.
We were at the pool outside our hotel. I sat with my swimming shorts on a deckchair whilst sipping on the vodka shots i had next to me. I didn't drink fast nor quick enough to get drunk so i didn't have to worry about ruining this outing by being a little tipsy.

"Jimin oppa! Come innnnnnn! Pleaaseeeeee!" She whinned cutely while pouting. She done her best aegyo trying to persuade me to get into the pool.
I rolled my eyes with a smile as i sat up then stood onto my feet.

She cheered as she watched me get into the pool.
"You're gonna regret making me come in here!" i warned with a smirk as i slowly watch towards her. She backed away with a giggle and licked her lips soon she hit the back the pool with her back.

"Don't do that." i whinned. She looked up at me innocently with wide eyes.
"Do what oppa?" she asked quietly. I glared playfully at her then attached my lips on to hers. I leaned my hands or her hips, trying to deepen the kiss. She giggled into the kiss as i bit her lip playfully. Her lips were soft and fit with mine so perfectly. I was sadly interuppted before my tongue could have access to her mouth.

"Get a room!" BamBam yelled from across the pool. We broke off the kiss while panting and smiling at each others flustered state.

She was always so beautiful...

(Y/n)'s point of view 

I stared at his perfect face which was just inches infront of my own. How did i ever get so lucky?

"Jimin has abs?" Jackson asked with a suprised tone. Jimin huffed then looked away with a blush.
"Why is that so suprising?" he muttered with a red face. I giggled then wrapped my arms around his neck.

"You seem too short to have abs." Jackson said with a nod. I furrowed my eye brows while laughing at his 'logic'.

"I don't think his height has anything to do with his abs." i said, "Besides....these abs are all mine"
I layed my hands on his chest while i announced my property.

Jimin smirked. "These abs are yours, are they?" he whispered into my ear. I giggled with a nod.
"Yep. All mine." i clarified. He chuckled then kissed my neck.
"You should show me how much you take care of your property." Jimin suggested while still kissing me neck.
"You'd love that wouldn't you." i teased while dragging a finger up and down his bare back.
"I really would." he replied with a smirk.

Then i felt a hand grab onto my own and drag me from the corner of the pool.
"I ain't watching porn. At least.... not this early in the day." Mark said with a sigh.

We laughed then made our way to the leather seats which were at the back of the pool inside the shallow end of the water.

We all sat down and waiting for the waiter to bring us drinks.
"A game?" BamBam suggested.
We all nodded in agreement the thought about the perfect game.

"Never have i ever?" Jackson asked. We all nodded and waited for him to start.
"Never have i ever had sex in a pool." Jackson smirked.
"Never." Mark said.
"Have." Jackson said with a smirk.
"Never." Mark said.
"Have." I whispered shyly.
"Have." Jimin stated proudly.

"Okay remind me to keep a close eye on them two" Mark said.

"Never have i ever gotten a tattoo...Other than the gang tattoo?" BamBam said.
"Never." Mark said
"Have." BamBam said.
"Have." Jackson said.
"Have." Jimin said.
"Have." I said.

"Wah! I really expected (Y/n) to say never." BamBam said in awe. Then he looked me up and down. I had a shore covered over my bikini so he couldn't see my full body. So i untied my shore to show him.

The tattoo went from about my belly button then  to my lower region. It went around my thigh and stopped at mid-thigh.
The image was a red dragon and was inspired by Chinese culture. 
"Wah!" Everyone gasped. Then Jimin grabbed my shore and tied it around my waist again.
"Your lucky i allowed that." Jimim hissed.

Then our drink came and was handed to us.
"There is this hill surrounded by sakura trees on the edge of Hong kong and has a view of a lake. I was thinking you could take (Y/n) there. Im sure you two could get alot done." Jackson said to Jimin whilst putting emphasis on the last part.
I smiled softly and clapped my hands in excitement.

"That would be so fun." i squealed. Jackson gave Jimin a pat on the back with Jimin bit his lip anxiously.
"Jimin?" I asked.
"Yeah. I'll take you tomorrow." he said with a smile.
"Why not tonight?" Jackson urged with a smirk.
"Im not sure (Y/n) will have enough energy for that after swimming." Jimin said through gritted teeth.
"I dont mind." i said with a smile.
"Are you sure jagi?" he asked.
"Yep. I can't wait" i giggled.
"Neither can i" he whispered more to himself.

Jackson smirked while he took a sip of his drink then whispered something into Mark's ear.

"Well tonight's gonna be eventful"

(Author-Nim  ~ Wazzup Mochies! How was this chapter? Comment your thoughts! Fan art can be sent to my instagram : kpop_is_lifeu_official  by the way! FIGHTING! ILY MOCHIES!)

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