A Secret ~ Ch53

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☆ (Y/n)'s Point of view ☆

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☆ (Y/n)'s Point of view ☆

"You're all patched up." The nurse told me. I smiled at her and bowed.
"Thank you. But tell me the truth...Is it gonna leave a scar?" I asked hesitantly. She sighed, putting all her equipment back in its place.
"I've been putting a cream on the wound to hopefully help it heal with out a scar. But i doubt it will help completely." She told me, giving me an apologetic gaze.
I nodded and bowed once again.
"Thank you for telling me the truth. I've never been shot before..." I said to her admittingly.

Then we heard a knock on the door.
"Are you all dressed?" A timid voice spoke from behind the door. This voice instantly put a smile to my face.
"Yes. Come in." I said with a grin. The door opened to reveal a boy that has been on everyones mind lately.
"Jungkook." I smiled. He rushed towards me and enveloped me with a hug.
"When did you wake up?" I asked him.
"This morning. Jin filled me in on everything i needed to know." He replied.

"Everything is such a mess." I laughed softly. He nodded in agreement.
"We haven't had this much drama in a while. Not since you were taken by Hano that is." He said. I chuckled and leaned back in the infirmary's bed.
"I haven't heard his name in a while." I said truthfully. He ruffled my hair, leaning back against the wall with a comforting smile.

"It's all okay now though so don't worry." He smiled. I chuckled louder.
"You have a weird definition of okay. Everything is just so stressfull these days. It's getting harder and harder. I just want a break from it all, you know?" I explained.
"I get what you mean." He sighed.

Suddenly my stomach lurched. I suddenly felt the need to empty out everything i had for breakfast. I pushed myself off the bed and ran to the bathroom, slamming the door closed behind me, not even bothering to lock it. I hunched myself over the toilet and vommitted my heart out.

I haven't vomitted like this for a few months so it suprised me that this was happening to me. It also made me abit sad since this time i didn't have Jimin holding my hair back like the good boyfriend he was.

I missed Jimin. I missed Jimin so much that it physically hurt me to see him in that cell. This has been the main reason why i haven't gone to visit him in 3 days. It's been 3 days since i gave him back my ring. 2 days since BamBam and Lisa went on their trip to Busan and 1 day since i realised that i didn't want Jimin to stay in that cell for much longer.

Technically it wasn't my choice for how long he would be in their. It was all his choice when he would leave but i know he's only staying in their because of how much he hurt me when he spoke to Jackson the way he did.

"Noona? Are you alright?"

☆ Jungkook's point of view ☆

"Noona?" I repeated, pressing my ear against the door. I knew i was ignored when i heard her vomitting again. I cringed and backed up then turned my head to the nurse. She looked at me with wide eyes before trying rush out of the room. My brows furrowed in confusion as i reached out to grab her wrist and slamming the door before she could get out.

"What's wrong with her?" I demanded. She bit her lip and avoided my rough gaze.
"It's probably just something she ate." The girl whispered out. She attempted to pull her wrist back, only making me grip onto it tighter.
"You're lieing. Tell me the truth, now." I ordered. She stayed silent and kept her gaze low.
"Of course i could always use interrogation methods to get it out of you?" I suggested to her. Her eyes widened as she finally looked up.

"B-but she can't know." She stuttered. I looled at her in pure confusion.
"What is it?" I asked impatiently.
"S-she's pregnant..." she whispered. I let go of her wrist and stepped back in shock.
"H-how? She got shot? Even if she was, that baby shouldn't be alive?!" I panicked.

"She was shot in the upper abdomen. The bullet missed any vital areas and hit a muscle. She passed out as soon as she got hit, meaning her body didn't have enough time to go into shock which would of affected her baby. When she was brought in, we gave her and the baby all the nutrients they both needed to survive." She explained. I gasped and sat down slowly, holding my head in my hands.

"This is crazy." I mumbled. She stood infront of me with a pleading gaze.
"Please don't tell her. She's already under enough stress. If you tell her then this will add to her stress and she may have a miscarriage. She already has fertility problems that she got from her mother. This baby is a miracle." She begged. I nodded slowly, trying to take in this information calmly.
"How long have you known? When can she find out? We can't keep this a secret forever." I told her. She nodded.
"Ive known since she was unconscious and you can tell her when she is less stressed. Preferably when Jimin is out of that cell." She said.

Then the bathroom door opened.
(Y/n) groaned as she stumbled out.
"Shit." She mumbled aa he layed back on the bed. The nurse then took this as her chance to leave the room as fast as she could.

"Are you okay?" I asked her, worriedly.
"Yeah. I think it was the food Namjoon cooked. Looks like i'm never letting him cook again." She laughed weakly.
I laughed quietly along with her to seem less suspicious.
"Are you olay, kookie? You seem on edge." She asked me. I nodded.
"I'm fine. Just tired." I lied, "I'm gonna go and get some rest." I told her as i got up from the edge of the bed. She nodded before giving me a blow kiss.
I then left the infirmary, closing the door behind me.

Then i ran as fast as i could down the stairs.
"JIN HYUNG!" I screamed, jumping down the last few steps.
"JIN HYUNG! WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU!" I screamed again. I ran into his homeroom.
"JIN - AH! ARE YOU IN HERE?" I yelled, forgetting all about formalities, earning myself looks from the boys in his devsion. I ran out of the room and went tk the main homeroom.
"JIN - AH! FOR FUCK'S SAKE! ARE YOU HERE?!" I screamed louder. Then i saw him, poking his head from the kitchen door.
"Did you just call me Jin-ah?" He asked me lowly. I bolted towards him.
"I am your elder. You have to call me hy--" he glared as i cut him off.

"(Y/n)'s pregnant."

"......Park Fucking Jimin."

(Author-Nim ~ Hope you liked this chapter! Comment! Vote! ILY Mochies!)

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