Shèng Dàn Jié Kuài Lè ~ Christmas Special Ch42 ~

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☆ (Y/n)'s point of view ☆

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(Y/n)'s point of view

Today was one of the few days of the year that i got excited for months before it even began.

"Jagi? Where does this thingy go?" Jimin asked, coming into the base with some silver tinsel in his hand. I giggled, seeing the silver tinsel also wrapped around his neck.

"I told you to wrap that on the stair case." I laughed. He walked closer with a pout then held his arms out. I walked into him with a smile, feeling his arms wrap around my waist. His head rested on my own as he groaned.

"But our stair case goes on for four floors. Four Jagi. That will take me yearrrrsss" he whined. I laughed then poked his chest.
"Don't be lazy. Even Jungkook is shoveling the snow into little patterns in the front of the base." I said with a giggle as i looked out of the window to see Jungkook still shovelling.
"Well he's got the muscle for that" he defended scowling at the boy who smirked, knowing he was being watched.

"I seem to remember somebody having a six pack."  I said with a grin. I kissed his lips quickly before skipping away leaving a flushed Jimin behind.
"You'd better do that whole stair case!" I shouted out to him as i moved into the next room.
"Yes boss!"

I walked into the home room for my devision with a smile on my face.
"AWWWW these look so cute!" Lisa squealed, holding up the two mini snowmen she made out of cotton balls. Ciara sat next to her, glaring at Lisa as her own snowmen fell apart.

"They aren't as good as mine." The brown haired girl who i found out was named Jennie. She hasn't talked to me at all but Lisa told me that her personality changed alot after taking all the torture from Kim Jonghyun and standing up for the other three. I respected her for that. And hopefully someday in the future she will return to her old self. And i would do the best i could to help.

"The decorations are going good i soppose?" I chuckled as i picked up all the finished hand made decorations and put them into a box.
"Yeah the girls are having alot of fun." Jisoo said as she sat down on the floor with billions of cds infront of her. She was tasked to pick three christmas movies that we could all watch during and after dinner. She sat there  contently watching as all the others had fun. She reminded me of Jin in someways, mothering all the girls as if she knew them since childhood. She wasn't too old compared to the other girls and literally had only one or two years between them.

"Do i need to hide any guns?" Yeseul asked with a raised brow, picking up a cardboard box of big guns. I nodded with a sigh,
"We are still a mafia. We are bound to need them someway today wether we like it or not." I sighed, "Hide one under each sofa and tape one under each table. Also find some daggers and ask Yoongi to put them somewhere. Me and him are the only ones who use daggers so there isnt any point hiding any for the rest of the gang." I explained.

"Okieeee" she said as she skipped down the hall, then she skid to a stop and turned to face Rosé.
"He's in Sir Namjoons home room." Rosé said with a small smile without Yeseul even having to ask. Yeseul put her thumbs up before once again rushing out of the room.

This christmas was going to be one to remember.


"They have arrived princess!" Rosé called out to me. I squealed and jumped up from Jimin's lap.
He groaned then grabbed my waist and pulled me back down on his lap.
"Jimin!" I whined then turned around in his lap.

"Yes?" He asked innocently.
"Let me go." I said sternly. He pouted and looked up at me with puffy cheeks.
"Kiss me first." He said, tightening his grip on my waist. I sighed, realising he won't give up untill i kiss him. I leaned over and kissed him on the lips. He smirked into the kiss then took the lead. The kiss went on for a few seconds as he abused my lips. Then once his toungue made an appearance i broke it off.

"Yah. I done my part, now let me go." I glared. He giggled cutely then kissed my cheek before holding his hands up in surrender.
"You may leave if you wish" he said in a spooky voice. I chuckled then put my finger on his nose. He scrunched it cutley then before i knew it my finger was in his mouth. I scowled took my finger out of his mouth.
"You just have to turn everything into something sexual." I said with a glare. He giggled.
"You love it" he mumbled before kissing me neck.
"STOP! You keep trying to distract me you baka!" I scolded then i launched out of his lap amd marched down the hall.
"I love you!" He yelled.
"Whatever pervert!" I yelled back. His laughter could be heard even when i left the building. I saw 7 men exit the van that they came in.
I smiled brightly then ran towards one.

"JACKSON OPPA!" I yelled with a grin then jumped so that i was on his back. He stumbled but quickly regained his balance.
"(Y/n) warn me next time!" He whined. I giggled the kissed his cheek.

"Why didn't i get a 'BamBam oppa!'" Bambam pouted.
"Because nobody likes you." Yugyeom snickered. Bambam hit him hard on the back of the head.

"Yah! I didn't hear your name come out of her mouth either!" He yelled. Yugueom held his head in pain while he still snickered. I got off of Jacksons back the walked towards Yugyeom with open arms.

"At least i didn't complain---oh look and i get a hug. What did you get huh? 'BlubBlubmookie what now'?" He asked with a smirk. BamBam growled then Jaebum patted him on the back.
"Don't be angry. It's Christmas." He said, his wise words made everyone nod their head in agreement. Bambam louted then turned his head to the side. I felt bad so i kissed him on the cheek.

"HA. I GOT A KISS! WHAT DID YOU GET? OH RIGHT. A HUG!" Bambam yelled. Now it was time for Yugyeom to glare.

"Come on boys!" I giggled, grabbing Jacksons hand and leading them all inside.


"WE WANT VODKA! WE WANT VODKA!" Both Yugyeom and Jungkook chanted. Jimin rolled his eyes but signaled for the maids to get them some vodka anyway.

Jimin pulled me in closer to him, so close he was inhaling my scent.
"I love you. I love you so much" he said into my ear. His back was against the closed door as we all stood outside in the gardens watching the snow fall.
"I love you too." I said back with a smile.
"Look up Jagi." He whispered. I looked uo hesitantly then laughed seeing mistletoe ontop of the door hanging beautifuly in pride.
"When did you put that there?" I giggled.
"An hour ago." He chuckled. Then he grabbed my waist and spun me around.

"Merry Christmas Jagi." He whsipered before smashing our lips. He took it slow. Slow and passionate. He knew that this way would made the end of thsi day perfect. We heard whistles in the background but ignored it, then i felt paws on my feet.
I broke off the kiss and looked down to see Chaeyeon looking up at me with her puppy eyes.
"Do you want a kiss too bub?" I asked with a small laugh. I picked her up and kissed her nose before putting her back on her feet.
"Hey Jackson! What's merry Christmas in Chinese?" I asked him.
"Shèng dàn jié kuài lè." he replied.
Then a few girls came and served us trays of vodka. We picked up a glass. And i decided to be the one to make the toast.

"Shèng dàn jié kuài lè!....................Did i pronounce it right?" I whispered towards Jackson. He laughed and patted my head.
"You did just fine." He smiled.

They all laughed then clinked their glasses.


"See Taeyong? Mafias do celebrate Christmas!" Jimin smirked.

"I see that sir."

(Author-Nim ~ Merry Christmas! Have a great Christmas holiday and i hope you liked this chapter. ILY MOCHIES!)

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