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I was sad. I didn't know why. Maybe because I'll be leaving my hometown? No, probably not. Everyone leaves their hometown when they go to college right? The more I think about it, the more it seemed very hard to leave.

I grasped firmly the university letter that I'd been holding on to since the day I got it. I still can't believe I made it.

But of course, in everything, there are pros and cons; and my decision had so many cons. One example of it is that I'll be leaving my dog.

"Pumpkin!" I hollered. Hearing his steps getting louder.

He appeared on the door with his tongue sticking out, looking cute as ever.

Pumpkin went closer, forming circles beside my foot then lay there. I felt his warmth radiating. I patted his head while he looked at me. Ugh don't give me that look I might start crying!

"The car's ready to go." My mom yelled from downstairs.

"Yeah, just a sec!" I hurriedly grabbed my stuff, kissed Pumpkin goodbye, then scrambled my way down the flight and ran towards the car. Just as I was about to enter, I felt this strong thug in my heart.

Like in every i-am-leaving-and-will-not-see-you-for-a-long-time scene, I had to turn around and see the house one last time.

And in that moment, memories came crashing my way. Like the first time I tripped and fell down the stairs, or the time were I tried to cook but ended up almost burning the house down.

I cant help but smile.

"Yeah, I know you'll miss it," a voice coming from the car spoke, "As well as Pumpkin." She continued.

I averted my gaze towards the window and saw Pumpkin, our dog, staring on us. Her face looked like she didn't know I'll be leaving.

"Peri, we gotta go." Mom said, gesturing me towards the car.

I tossed my bags at the back seat then went inside beside it. The car roared into life as mom turned the keys.

Mom sighed and looked at me with a sad smile, "You know, I'm very proud of you for passing the university exam." She placed her hand atop of mine. "It's a big deal since anyone rarely even gets the letter."

She looked at the road then started driving.

We were off to Gem University - one of the greatest universities in our country.

"But I'll be missing you a lot sweetie." She continued. I plumped down at my heaping baggage and took out my phone.

"I know that mom. I'll be missing you too." I replied as I grabbed my earphones.

"I love you."

But before I could even hear her say that, my ears where already covered in plugs that blasts out music. Staring at the sky through the window, various thoughts came in my head. Sometimes I feel like I'm not good enough to be my mom's daughter. I feel like I'm taking her for granted. With a deep sigh, I closed my eyes then started drifting off.

Is this a dream?
Why does it feel wet? I hear a distant sound, it sounds like waves.. Am I at the ocean? Suddenly, everything came into view. I was in a beach, it was very sunny and the sand felt hot. Then there was this girl, she was beside me. Her hair was blue and she was staring at the waves that crashed down endlessly. She looked at me with a smile that didn't show her teeth. This woman in my dream looked alluring. The blue haired girl scooted close to me and opened her mouth to say something.

Ocean Eyes (Lapidot fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now