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Two words:
Writers block.
"Will be there." She replied.

I placed back my phone on my pocket and waited for her.
I closed my eyes and ran a hand down on my face. The cold repeatedly reminding me to wear more layers.

At some point of waiting. My mind wandered off and thought about what could possibly happen on the day of our tournament. I felt so confident that it's starting to make me feel arrogant about it. What if I lose? It would be embarrassing.

For what it seemed like the billionth time, I checked the time on my phone. 9:18.

"Pe-ri-dot." Lapis called out.

"There you are." Was what I replied under my breath.

We greeted each other with a hug. She kissed my forehead and what felt like electricity ran up and down in my body.

"Sorry for leaving you suddenly." She said, brushing a lock of hair back to my ear.

"It's no big deal. I'm just glad you're here." I replied. Hugging her again tightly.

Lapis chuckled at this. She ran her fingers through my hair before sliding her arms deeper and hugging me back.

I closed my eyes.

If you lose, you can't do this anymore with her.

I hugged her tighter out of instinct. Making sure she won't leave me.

"What are you thinking?" Lapis must've felt me getting firm with my embrace.

Countless thoughts were running in my head, I didn't know what to do.
Anything could literally happen. I'll practice my ass out while maintaining time with Lapis. I will say whatever I want to say to her and love her more than anything. Yeah let's start with that.

"I love you." I murmured.

I buried my face deeper in her chest. Her coat smells just like her. Most of the time, Lapis smells like watermelon cologne. But sometimes she smells something else-- not bad smelling- like, what rich people smell like...? I don't even know. But she smells hot af.

"I love you too. God, why are you so cute?" She kissed my head and took a deep breath.

"You are hot." I lifted my face off from her chest to look at her. And yet again I am lost in those beautiful ocean eyes. Fuck.

Lazuli laughed. That gorgeous laugh. "Are we going to fuck?" She traced my arm by her fingertips and I could feel my whole body getting so tense.

"It's a winter night and you make me wet. Of course we will fuck." I sarcastically replied. Though 90% true.

She grinned. Lapis hugged me again and I closed my eyes at her action. But it flew open once I realized that she had carried me bridal style.


"Shhhh!" She kissed my nose and stared into me. "Let me carry you. You must be tired."

I swear this girl is a fucking angel.

I let my mouth slightly agape. Her beauty and flawless acts struck me motionless. I lay there, carried in her arms. Every step she took, my heart beats louder. The common perspiring of my hands started. And I swear I could die happily on that moment.

Ocean Eyes (Lapidot fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now