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It was snowing hard. My body shivered from the coldness. It was already night time and Peridot was already asleep. As for me, I have to keep awake until she's up. We agreed that I would take a short nap whenever she's awake, and that she would just call out for help if she's being kidnapped. We literally fought over that for an hour or so until I finally gave up. I can't stand staying mad towards Peridot. I mean, I just really care for her- can you blame me?

Sighing, I walked myself towards the my bag then pulled out a long sleeved clothing. I have to cover myself in thick clothes or I'll freeze to death.

Going inside the bathroom, I locked the door then stripped my clothes. The knob on the shower was hard to turn, but surprisingly it was easy to move now. Hot water started pouring down. My hair getting damp and was starting to heat up. Do you know that moment where you could feel the hotness of the water in your head but once it goes down to your body it's cold af? It made me uncomfortably unsatisfied. My head was nice and warm but my ass shook from the low temperature. Whatever.

After taking a short, disappointing bath. I wore my clothes then got out of bathroom. A blast of cold air whooshed past my face.

For some VERY dumb reason, I started to feel scared. Oh God what if that was a ghost? Ohshit they said the infirmary was haunted right?!
I was scaring myself. I was probably making things up, but I was too terrified to differentiate reality and imagination. My feet felt rooted to the ground. I could feel myself sweating pinballs.

Just to make things worse, the lights suddenly turned off. I let out a loud scream but covered my mouth quickly, hoping that I didn't wake Peridot. It was dark and I couldn't see anything. The only source of light was the digital wall clock. 11:52 pm it shone.

To make things EXTRA worse, I suddenly remembered Aquamarine telling us an urban legend about the infirmary's bathroom.

"There was this Japanese girl who transferred here back then. She was bullied a lot because of her eyes that always looked like it was closed even if it's not." Aquamarine shone the flashlight under her face, doing her sinister smile and basically sending us chills up and down our asses.

We were sitting in a circle inside our dorm near the fireplace. Topaz, Brand and Zircon occupied the couch while Vidalia, Aquamarine and I, sat on the ground. It was November, meaning that there was still left overs of scary ornaments and pumpkin pies. Vidalia suggested that we tell horror stories to say goodbye to halloween and say hello to christmas. Vidalia really liked spooky stuff.

"Then one day, the Japanese girl fell in love but was rejected because of how she looked." Aquamarine continued. "She cried a lot that night, then she tried to kill herself."

Topaz gulped then hugged the couch pillow hard.

"But she woke up on the infirmary, unharmed. Now here's the thing," she cleared her throat then adjusted her seat. "People say that she took a good look at herself on the infirmary's bathroom mirror, she hated how her eyes looked so she grabbed scissors to cut her eyelids and make her eyes pop out. But it went horribly wrong and ended up blinding herself!" She leaned in close to intensify her story.

"Really? I want to look into that." Zircon nervously said. She was obviously scared but was trying to hide it.

Aquamarine smirked. "Then, on that same day, she suddenly disappeared. But was told that she haunts people who are good looking that stays in the infirmary. They said that you would see her long black hair waving all over your vision then would try to stab out your eyes!" And with those, Topaz screamed and squeezed herself near Brand who looked uncomfortable.

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