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This story part has a long detailed erotic scene. You have been warned.
The cold winter air hugged my skin tight as I ran my way out and into the snow covered garden. The pathway that was covered with snow had been shoveled out. I took in deep breaths. Cold air going in on my nose and exhaling breaths of puff-like smoke. Snow was falling like feathers. Slow but they were small. Some fell on my hair and very slowly melted on my scalp. I love that feeling so much.

A familiar blonde stood in the open. Her hands inside her pockets, her head hung down. It's like she was thinking.

My lips formed a smile. "Peridot!" I yelled, raising my hand to give out a wave.

She jolted from her thoughts away then looked at me. Her expression lightened. We both walked our way towards each other.

"Hey." Peridot greeted.

"Hi, miss me?" I grinned.

"I always do."

Aah-- fuck. She got me. My cheeks heated up and I could see myself turn red from the reflection on Peridot's glasses that I gave. I'm so glad she's wearing them all the time. She looks cute in it.

"By the way, I have something to tell you." She crossed her arms and her facial expression turned irritated.

Oh boy, I know that look. She always does that gesture and eye roll whenever she has something to rant about.

The november air whooshed past our chilling bodies. Making not only me shiver but also Peridot.

"Tell me all about it inside my dorm, or do you prefer yours?" I asked while rubbing my hands on my arms to keep me warm, but failing miserably.

"Is yours free?" She questioned. Looking at me with hopeful eyes.

Before answering, I thought about my room mates but realized that they won't be there. "We have a vortex club meeting again, so all of them will be gone for sure." My head nodded.

"Great! let's go." With a swift motion, Peridot grabbed me from my wrist then took huge leaps towards my dorm. Her palm was warm, and it somehow made me warm all over. MY GOD SHE IS SO FUCKING CUTE.

We ran. And while we ran, I can't help but imagine this scenario where I'm a runaway bride and Peridot is my true love. Y'know? those cliché romance plots where in the girl protagonist's wedding day she gets taken away by someone who she realized she's been wanting for all her life? Yeah that. Being swooped away by the love of your life. God.

After the daydreaming, I noticed that we already reached my dorm. Peridot's hand was still holding on to me when even though were literally inside the dorm. She took off her glasses, shook her head, bits of snow fell from her hair, then placed her glasses back.

"So, when you left" she started. Letting go of my wrist then plumping down on the couch, her back laying down and her right leg pointed upwards. "This Janitor bitch came up and asked if were together."

I did an mhhmm sound to assure her that I was listening while I readied the firewood that was beside the fireplace. Placing them along with the ashes and embers of previous woods. Then lighting it up.

"I told him yes then he said some shit like, two hot girls gone useless-- and BOI I wanted to slap his dick off!" She growled while flailing her arms in the air. "I just hate it when people disagree to something and they have to comment something dumb or ugly about it just to let everyone know that they hated it, and would not wish to see it again."

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