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(Lapis' P.O.V.)

The trees started to lose it's leaves. The wind was growing colder and colder every time it blew. I leaned back on the couch as Aquamarine lit the fireplace. After doing so, she jumped in beside me then rested her feet on the coffee table.

"How's your relationship with Peridot?"

I didn't say a word.

"You guys are still silent to each other huh?" Aquamarine sighed. She took the blanket that was covered around me and scooted close, we shared the blanket. I could feel her warmth.

The firewood crackled. Bits of flames seemed to dance away with each other. Until they really were dancing. We looked at Brand who was twirling his fingers towards the fire.

"Be careful not to burn down the whole place again." Aquamarine said.

This dorm never really burned down. Well it almost did. But thanks to me I stopped the fire.

"I just love winter." He replied, placing his hand down as the fire's movement became normal again. "Even though I hate the snow, fire is basically around you."

"That's for your case. Since you can create fire with your hands." Aquamarine grinned.

Brand chuckled. He gave me a nod as he went back to his room.

Aquamarine and I was left alone again. I couldn't help but to worry where Peridot is. She hasn't been replying to any of my texts and calls. But I stopped. Maybe she doesn't want me to bother her.

She became cold after I kissed her in front of everyone. I may have not been considerate about her feelings, I guess I was pretty selfish with that action. The only reason I did it was to mock Jasper. She was there, her teeth gritting as we walked together. I wanted her to get jealous, I wanted her to feel that I found someone much better. Just to get off from her words that plagued me ever since we broke up.

"You can never do any better without me. In the end you'll always need me."

It replayed in my head like a broken record. Just as I thought I knew what to do with my life, I thought I knew what I was doing, I thought I knew what I wanted. But in the end it just goes to show that I'm nothing else, nothing else but a shattered glass, trying to see a whole reflection again.

I was still worried about Peridot. I just hope we could talk again.

"Kevin hasn't been in the clubroom ever since last week."

I snapped back out to look at Aquamarine who had an uneasy expression.

"So is Jasper."

I looked back at the fire the crackled.

"Bad things happen when those two are together. What if they did something to Peridot?"

"I would kill them if they did." I muttered out in anger.

"We know how President Kevin killed Peridot's mom. I mean, it would only make sense if he would capture her, but why only now? Wouldn't he have done it-"

"Aquamarine, can we not talk about this?" I started to feel weak and sad. I wanted to cry out. I don't want anything bad happen to Peridot. The more Aquamarine talked, the more I was about to faint from worrying to much.

She looked at me shocked, then became neutral faced as she looked back at the fireplace. "I'm sorry."

I closed my eyes. I thought about how thick-faced I was to just rest here on my dorm and not make an effort to apologize to Peridot. But I did, she only chose to ignore me. The pain that I was feeling on my chest started hurting too much. I wanted to go to her dorm and tell her I couldn't stand living another day without her.

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