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UuuUuuuHhhHh, hi.
I KNOW OMG SORRY FOR NOT POSTING FOR DAYS, my life is literally getting shitty and my brain can't handle these fucking shits that's been happening lately-- I WAS ACTUALLY ABOUT TO KILL MYSELF, then I remembered this book and I knew-HELL I KNEW- I have to finish this, then kill myself :D

Anyways, here ya go. Thank you for the continuous love and support! Lapis and Peridot appreciates it :).
(Peridot's P.O.V.)

I lay there, again, like always, on my bed. The dream rewinding in my head like some broken record. I hate it so much. But it's just a dream, come on just forget about it ugh.

All I wanted to do was lie down and let energy find it's way towards me because seriously, I am very tired. I didn't even do much but walk. Being inside my room was enough for me to feel okay. The sheets and pillows feel as comfortable as ever. Come to think of it, I only appreciate them now when snow started falling and everything is cold as fok.

I suddenly remember that moment while Lapis and I walked outside from the infirmary and towards my dorm. The coldness of the one foot height snow passing through my shoes, and every exhale made me see my breath in forms of tiny smoke-like puffs of air. Lapis pressed her arm next to mine to feel my warmth. I lifted my head to look at her, she looked back then gave me a dear smile. Oh-she's so pretty. My heart was going crazy which made me look away. Despite my freezing face, I felt my cheeks slowly heat up. Lapis chuckled at this as we approached our destination.

For the millionth time, I sighed. My arms spread outwards and my legs slightly apart as my head lay there at the bed. I stared at the ceiling and the circular fluorescent light that lit the room. It was already night time and snow was once falling again.

Earlier though, the afternoon light was orange. It was strange since, you know, snow? But hey it's a miracle, the sun shone for a short moment. It was like: oh hey I see u guys r covered in snow, lemme shine for a moment and ask how u guys doin?

This time, the weather is pretty calm at least. No snow storm, so I hope no more brown outs. Lapis' half second blood curdling scream was enough for me to literally curl in to a ball and let my heart go berserk from fright. I mean, it only happened once in the infirmary-- and Lapis isn't even here so...

Just as I relaxed myself, the lights flickered. Making me slightly jump. Oh God not now.

"You okay he-" my room door suddenly opened.

"OH MY FUCKING GOD." I literally screamed my face off. My body curling up as my knees reached it's way up to my chest.

Pearl looked at me confused then cleared her throat. "Um, are you okay-- errmm-- alone?" Pearl went in then closed the door behind her.

While slowly unfolding my legs, I held my chest then took a deep breath. My heartbeat was so fast.

"Sorry for scaring you. You know it's not my intention." She continued, her eyes roaming around the room.

"It's.. fine." I replied, out if breath.

"So um.." She sat on my bed. Fidgeting both of her thumbs. Pearl was nervous.

Ooohh a nervous Pearl.

"Yes?" Clearing my throat, my legs then crossed to make me sit upright then leaned in a little bit to look intrigued on what she's about to say.

"Can I... Ask for some advices regarding to uumm, love life?"

Woah, this is NOT Pearl. Is she being serious? I mean, Pearl! The birb mom! Asking for someone in regards to her romantic relationship status. Holy shit and she's asking some from me.

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