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In a universe, there's a galaxy, within a galaxy lies a solar system, a solar system that had a planet called earth. Earth has seven continents, one of those continents has this specific country. A country that houses it's capital, after the capital, comes a specific area in that specific region. In that place, a girl with messy hair is lying on her bed, holding out a snack packaged in a carton in front of her. Looking at it intently, her brows furrowing.

Hmm, should I eat it? Hmm, but I'm not feeling hungry.. Ehhhh.

I stared at the carton box that had good tasting thin bread sticks coated in chocolate inside. It was one of the snacks mom insisted me to bring.

Pock-e , pock-e. You are killing me.

One thirty two in the morning. Morning. And I'm contemplating whether I should eat it and possibly gain more fat, or leave it be and have a snack with Lapis instead. Wait did I just thought about Lapis? And this bread stick?

Lapis and bread sticks.... a detailed erotic imagination.

God why am I so sinful?

I sighed. Placing the snack down on the floor, basically throwing it. You are plaguing my mind! Go away sugary treat! I hid myself under the covers of my bed. Trying my best to sleep it off. I wasn't really hungry. But I reeeeaaally wanted to eat it.

You know what? Fuck it, let's get fat.

My legs kicked out the covers as I scrambled my way towards the food that I threw away. My arm reached out to grab the snack, I placed it in between my arms. Craddling, acting as if it was a baby.

"Shh, I'm sorry I threw you away. It's okay, you're safe, mommy's here." I whispered at the snack as I caressed it's cover. But, while carressing, I betrayed the food by pushing in my thumb at the opening of the box. It popped open as I did a sinister laugh.

Clearing my throat, I changed my pitch to a high tone and acted out as the dying snack. "M-momma, why are you d-doing this?! Pl-please don't eat m-me!"

Then suddenly shifting my tone to my normal one, "you are a food that's meant to be eaten!! Nyeehahahahahahhahahahahah!

"Peridot are you okay?" Steven held the doorknob of my room as he stood immobile. Staring at me, worried. It appeared to be that he saw my whole play.

"Um, don't you guys know how to knock?" I replied, hiding the snack slowly away from view.

"W-well, it's an hour past midnight, you're talking to a pock-e snack aaand you're cradling it." He pointed at the snack as I hissed at him.

"GO AWAY." I whispered loudly. Making an expression of anger on my face. But laughter creeped in so I ended up laughing my ass out. He only looked at me, confused and worried.

"Is your mental health okay?" Steven asked.

"No" I smiled widely at him.

For a moment I thought he got disturbed. He closed the door and I was left alone with my opened snack.

"Sorry for the wait." I mumbled.

I was about to get my first bite when Pearl came bursting my door open. Steven hid behind her, his facial expression looked scared and uneasy. Pearl gulped as she held out a cross that had a sculpted hammered Jesus Christ across it. "IN THE NAME OF OUR LORD AND SAVIOR GOD, MAY ALL THE BAD SPIRITS WHO ARE PLAGUING THIS CHILD IN FRONT OF US, LEAVE!"

My hunger went away..

Eventually, Amethyst and Garnet peeked in to see what's up. I looked at Pearl who kept chanting religious stuff as Steven remained tense behind Pearl.

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