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It's the 3rd day. Just four more to go, then finally, classes will be starting.

I ate a lot today since yesterday I was passing hunger.

I sighed. Is there anything else? That I can do to pass time? I racked my brain for things.

What about your room? Decorating?

Standing up from the front porch of my dorm which I have been sitting on for the whole morning, I went inside my room.

Doing my magic, I fixed the place in no time.

Polaroids pinned to the corkboard, fairy lights hanging above it. Picture of my mom and I on top of the drawer, changing the vibe into such a pleasingly aesthetic room by changing the wallpapers dark maroon.

It was a big job, took me six hours to finish.

The skies were turning orange to violet once I had finished with my room. It looked so wonderful and very nice to look at. I wanted to sit or lay down in the grass, inhale fresh air, maybe even sleep under the changing skies.

Which luckily, I can.

Hurriedly, I grabbed my camera then went out. Almost running towards the garden.

Once I reached there, there was no single person in.

Perfect! Such a beautiful scene all to myself.

My feet walked me happily towards a great spot for picture taking. My head looking up at the sky. I felt my lips slowly curling upward.

Stopping at a certain place, the angle looked very good, capturing the line between afternoon and dusk.

My hands held the camera dearly, aiming at the sky. Click. Breath taking.

"Beautiful isn't it?" Someone spoke.

Surprisingly I didn't flinch. As if I had sensed their presence beforehand.

"Yeah." I replied softly.

Instinctively I looked to see who it was. It was no other than Lapis. My eyes widened a little bit.

"Hey" she paused, looking intently at my eyes. "I'm truly sorry about the thing you witnessed back then in the bathroom."

I smiled faintly. "It's fine, I'm also sorry for eavesdropping."

My hands fidgeted with my camera. This girl... MUST be the girl in my dream. But why would I dream about her?

"Oh you were bound to hear that." Lapis chuckled briefly. "Our voices were fairly loud and the comfort room isn't really the best place to do that." She made a wry face but still tried to muster a smile.

"It's really okay though." I reassured.

She nodded. Half smiling.

Damn I really wanna ask if she's gay.

"Hey um.." My mouth started to quiver.

Am I sure if I should still continue? What if she gets offended?

"Oh right, yeah." She held her hand out. "I'm Lapis Lazuli."

Placing the camera on my left hand, I took it then shook.

"Peridot." I gave out my name.

"So, I see you're taking pictures." Lapis looked at the camera I was holding.

"Yeah, I like capturing moments." I beamed.

Capturing moments huh..

"Actually, do you mind if I take a picture of you?" The words spilled out of my mouth.

Ocean Eyes (Lapidot fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now