To the people who are thinking of stealing my works. (Not update)

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Okay, so I've been getting these questions lately, asking about who's the artist on the drawings that I placed here-- I'm the artist alright? I draw my own shit and I write my own shit, all of these are my works and I would not hesitate to fucken report you on stealing and renaming it as your own. Seriously just fucking stop. I mean I get that you love my work (thank you) but stealing it is not good. My hard work and efforts are going to waste because someone else is getting the recognition when they really didn't do anything regarding to my works. I hope you learn your lesson, please stop stealing.

(This note will get deleted or be moved once I post the next story part.)

I hope you like the book so far, for the people who are loving the book, thank you so much! Although I might only update weekly now since I've been so pissed and depressed-- lol yah. Have a nice day! I love yall 😂😂🎉❤️❤️❤️

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