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Smut warning.
After two weeks of Lapis and I sleeping together, I'd say it's amazing. I get to touch her booty whenever I feel anxious, I get to see her calming blue eyes everyday. Time literally flies away whenever were together. There's also one more thing, tomorrow's christmas.


The guards are allowing students to leave the school and go shopping for gifts, or get home to their places . They get to see their families, hang out and be happy.
It's kinda sad that I forgot mom was gone. I literally told myself a few days before that I would visit her and give her the biggest hug. But all I could do now was stand in front of her stone in the cemetery. I don't want that.

"Will you go home this christmas?" I asked Lazuli who was sitting on the couch, engrossed with the book I borrowed on the library.

"No.. My parents are traveling to alaska. I have no reason to go home." She flipped on the next page.

"Why won't you send them a card or something?" Amethyst said, she was sitting upside down beside Lapis. Her legs kicked on the back rest and her long white hair flowed down to the floor.

"I tried, they don't care. Stopped giving them letters four years ago." Lapis flipped another page.

"Woah, it sounds like they never came home." Amethyst chuckled.

"Yeah they never did." Lazuli continued, her eyes not leaving the book's pages.

Amethyst and I both looked at each other with a woops okay face. She scratched her head then closed her eyes. Another flipping page sound broke the silence.

"So uh Peri." The white haired girl turned her face towards me, "when are you going to practice for your tournament?"

"Well, nowhere near now. I guess like, a week before the tournament."

"But why though."

"I don't know, I honestly do better whenever I cram."

"But this isn't studying." Pearl came in with tea on a tray. She placed the tea cups down on the coffee table and poured the content of the kettle on each cup.

I sat on the opposite couch while my right knee pointed upwards, the soul of my foot pressed on the seat. well, I basically looked like I'm home.

"Whatever it is, cramming works." I replied.

"Riiight." Pearl said unconvincingly.

There was silence, the only thing that was making a sound was the tea that poured out on the last cup, our quiet breathing, and the flipping of page. We heard foot steps come towards the front door then it opened.

"GUYS DID YOU KNOW THAT THOSE BIRDS LAST LAST MONTH WE SAW FLYING IN A V SHAPE ARE ACTUALLY GOING ON A VACATION?" Steven excitedly said. Causing to have all of our attention. Then another flipping page can be heard.

"Steven, what the fuck." Amethyst laughed.

"It's fascinating to know since that 'V' actually stands for vacation!" He puffed his chest out with a triumphant smile.

"What wacko shit did Connie tell you now." Amethyst sat upright to grab a tea cup and start sipping. A grin still present on her lips.

"No.. I saw that in TV." He replied, closing the door behind him and taking off his coat to place on the coat rack.

"That's actually not far out correct nor incorrect." Lapis spoke, putting down the book on her lap.

Steven only smiled at this then sat beside me. He took a cup then blew the surface of the drink.

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