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This story part contains smut so.. Yah, thought I should warn ya.

I watched the clock tick towards to an exact hour. 2pm. Three more hours and I should be meeting up with Lapis in the garden. My body was still tangled with the sheets in my bed. I haven't moved from my position since I woke up because I was overthinking about our "chill session" later, and have also been restless with Amethyst's obvious affection towards me. I mean sure, I really find it flattering that somehow someone has a crush on me, but I don't like how I felt very obliged to feel the same way.

Amethyst is a fun-to-hang-out-with kinda person, though she can be rash with her thoughts and words sometimes. Sometimes her loud voice and annoying attitude bothers me so that's why I don't really like her. But I mean I do! I just really can't see myself hanging out with loud and wild people.

Then there's Lapis, she makes my heart beat fast, my knees weak, palms sweaty, MOM'S SPAGHETTI. Okay Olivine you had too much memes. And she just basically makes me feel... different. Like I was worth more than what I am. Plus, she can draw and play the guitar very well. (I knew that she plays guitar because she demonstrated a "fingerstyle" in music class. And damn did that make my cheeks blush so heavy from overawe.(and also because she looked so hot when she was doing it.)) I just really hope it doesn't rain later.

The sky was calm, and looked like there would be a zero percent chance of raining, but Amethyst did say that a rain would pass by.

My phone vibrated then lit up. I grabbed it and checked what it was.

New message from Lapis.

A soft smile formed on my lips.

Lapis: hey, can't wait to hang out with you. I'm missing you already.

My eyes widened from reading the text. Oh God, she misses me? Holy hell. Swiftly, my fingers tapped at the on-screen keyboard then sent the message.

Peridot: oh really? I'm missing you too (^o^)! I hope it doesn't rain. (~.~')

Lapis: if it'll ever rain, don't worry, I can just move the droplets away from us haha.

I made an "Ooh" realization face.

Peridot: ahh, a water bender! Cool. If any shovel tries to hit us I'll just block em off :3.

Lapis: you're so witty. I like it.

I read the text over and over again. My hands pushed my phone close to my chest until I was basically hugging it. Then it vibrated.

Lapis: I'll get ready. See you!

I checked the wall clock and saw that it was already 2:30 pm We've been talking for an half an hour? It felt like 2 minutes. I sent a smiley face then readied myself as well.


Time check: 4:49 pm.

I was already at the garden. It's better to be early. My palms started to sweat as I felt myself getting nervous and anxious. Do I look okay? Is my clothing weird? Oh God my hair?? The thoughts ran in my head repeatedly.

I was wearing a green hoodie, white shorts and black converse shoes. Honestly, I think I look fine.

My feet led me to a stump and there I sat. Holding my hands together like I was about to deal with something big.

"Nice fresh air huh?"

"NYAH!!" I screamed for a half second.

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