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This story part contains smut.
(It's suppose to have an NSFW art too but I couldn't finish it privately so...)

I might just rename this book to lapidot smuts. LOL jk.

We entered the school building. It was hella packed and lots of sounds were coming from everywhere. The place was very festive looking.

It kept reminding me how time literally flew away from my grasp. I remember like a month ago planning my whole remaining time to divide it equally to Lapis time and practice time. But I ended up always with Lapis time on my watch. She's just so fun to be with and I forget that I have a big upcoming fight. And that is today. Shit.

"You seem nervous." Garnet shook me from my tangled thoughts. I gave her a shaky smile.

"Who wouldn't be?" I replied with a hint of worry. Worry about losing.

"C'mon Peridude. I know you can do it. I have faith in ya." Amethyst cheered. Giving me a pat on the back.

Pearl and Steven had hopeful smiles on their faces. It made me feel kinda good.
Lapis wasn't with us since she's the student council President now and she's busy with all of the booths and stalls that are being set up. I was told that the Tekken Tournament would take place at the afternoon.
It was only eight in the morning.

At first, Steven suggested that I take my time in the morning to practice until my tournament starts. We actually did but after a single game, other student council members ordered everyone out of their dorms to come inside the school and "experience the festive Gem University magic" as how they called it.

So now were just aimlessly walking around and trying out different foods on different stalls.
Eventually, Amethyst and Pearl split from the group to have some couple time as well as Steven with his girlfriend Connie. I was left with Garnet who just told me, "I'll just go where you go." It felt like I had a bodyguard.

I told myself to let things flow and not to worry. So I drowned myself with weird drinks and tacos. Garnet seemed to enjoy what we were doing as much as I did. At least I forgot about the growing stress for a short moment. Not until I saw other players getting in line to get a sticker patched on their arms.

Buck, from the vortex club; also a student council member, sat on the table as he gave out the stickers as the players patched it on themselves.
They were beside the stage that had the consoles getting ready by guys that had walky-talkies and the stage lights flickered at their queues.

"I think you should go there." Garnet nodded towards the depleting line.

I mouthed stay here at Garnet as my legs briskly walked me towards the table. Once I reached there, Buck grinned before giving the sticker. "Good morning Olivine." He beamed.

"Good morning to you too." I muttered while taking the sticker and peeling off the smooth part to let it get adhesive. Before placing it in my arm, I thought about placing it in my chest instead. But what if it's required to place it in your arm only?

"You can put it anywhere. As long as you don't lose it. You have to show it later when the tournament starts." Buck said.

I nodded then thanked him. Placing it on the left side of my chest.


I flinched at the sudden familiar voice. I could see her shadow overlap ours as Buck's smile slightly fell down.

"Morning Jasper." He tried to give a bright smile like what he gave me. But it looked so fake.

"Yeah, you too." She took a sticker then patched it on her cheek.

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