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"YOU DID WHAT?!" Pearl exclaimed. She got a few heads turn around at our table.

"I made a deal with Jasper."

All three of my room mates looked either lost in thought or half assed scared. Amethyst didn't attend any classes. So I was left with them only to talk to. We sat in a table, eating our food-- well, their food. I wanted to eat with Lapis.

Lapis wasn't in the cafeteria yet, I'm kinda worried. What if Jasper caught her and is currently doing something bad? I shook my head. C'mon, be positive.

"So, if you win, you get to keep Lazuli?" Garnet asked once more.


"You really do love her don't you?" Garnet smiled. I felt my cheeks burn up. "Lapis is lucky to have you." She continued.

No, I'm lucky to have her.

"Well, in any case, we must get you prepared. She's very hard to beat." Pearl said while she unscrewed the cap of the water bottle.

"How hard is she exactly?" I asked. I hate to admit, but I was getting a little bit nervous. My index finger mindlessly poked at my sandwich.

"As hard as my dick yo" someone yelled from the table beside us. It was actually the skinny dude that's been telling sex stories in porn class. I mean sex-ed.

Pearl did an eye roll at him which he only laughed at."Oh she's the hardest of the hardest." Birb mom continued before she gulped down the water from the bottle.

"Imagine playing a horror game in nightmare mode. That's how hard she is." Steven warned.

I feel like that was the queue for me to get chills and feel genuinely scared-- but somehow I still managed to give up a grin and scoff. "Easy."

Pearl and Steven looked taken aback at my response. Garnet only smiled as she finished her iced coffee. As always. Whenever and wherever Garnet is, there will always be iced coffee. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if iced coffee is the liquid that flows on her veins.

"I like your cockiness. But you still have to get ready." Square mom said.

I gave her a nod.

While they readied themselves to go to their next subjects, I patiently sat there and stared at my sandwich. Where is Lazuli?

"We'll be heading off Peri." Steven notified as he stood up while the two followed. "See yah."
Garnet and Pearl gave me a smile and I returned one. My eyes following their walks until they were gone from my sight.

I continued waiting.Until suddenly, I felt an arm drape down to my chest and a chin rest on the top of my head. The clothing was red and that's when I knew it was Lapis.

"You're late." I greeted while she did a grunt.

"So much stuff to catch up on." She yawned. The smell of faint watermelon cologne filled my lungs as her head slid down to the crook of my neck. I felt chills ran up and down my body. Her breathing fanning down on my shoulder.

"C-Can we eat l-lunch now?" My mouth spurted out, completely flushed by Lapis' action.

The bluenette then giggled softly. Her arm and head now removed from my body. She took a seat beside me, her elbows rested on the table as her hands intertwined at each other.

"I already ate lunch though.." She chuckled in an apologizing tone.

B i t c h  w h a t

"I waited for you...." Couldn't help but to get disappointed at her. My wait is not worth.
Bitch no, Lapis' presence is worth the wait. Don't get all disappointed at her for something small.
Hmm yes yes. Amen to that.

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