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Time flew very fast. It was now friday. The alarm rang off loudly, waking me up from my deep slumber. I lazily shut it off then stood up and did my stuff.

After finishing my shower, I looked out the window and saw it was slightly gloomy. My lips dropped a little. I just hope it doesn't rain tomorrow. I had a tiny flashback about her telling the details of our date.

Shaking my head, I pulled out the first layer of the drawer then took out my green alien sweater, black jeans, gray converse. I wore my undergarments, suddenly Amethyst came barging in.

"Hey Peridough!" She had her eyes wide open as she pursed her mouth. I stood immobile. Holding the strap of my bra.

"Uhhh." I moaned as I felt my cheeks heating up.

"O-oh s-sorry! Um, you have a nice body." She bit her lip as she looked at me up and down. I shivered at the coldness I was starting to feel, or maybe it was her stare.

I kept quiet as she stood on my door. Once I finally found my mobility, I grabbed my sweater then wore it. I looked back at Amethyst awkwardly, she was still there, unable to move. I saw a tint of pink on her cheeks.

"I um, can I have some privacy?" I muttered.

"Oh, right um." She closed the door.

I sighed heavily then wore my jeans and tied my shoes.

What the hell was that about? Amethyst is being so weird. From the time she had her vines when I was talking with Lapis, and blushing whenever I was around. I started to think maybe she has a crush on me. I snickered at the thought.

"That can never happen." I whispered beneath my breath then walked out my room to see all four of them eating breakfast.

Garnet saw me, she smiled. "Let's eat." I smiled back and sat down beside Pearl. Amethyst looked at me shortly then continued eating her muffin.

I grabbed a bread then filled it with nutella.

"So um Peridot," Amethyst cleared her throat. "Do you have any plans tomorrow?"

I held the milk carton and poured it on my glass, I placed it back down then looked at Amethyst.

"I'll be bonding with Lapis."

Steven made a short choke sound, he looked at me with a sort of shocked face."With who?"

What's up with them acting so weird whenever I'm mentioning her?
"Lapis Lazuli." I deadpanned then continued eating.

Steven looked at Garnet uneasily but Garnet only looked chill.

"Oh right." Amethyst finished her muffin then left the table. Her walk had a heavy tone.
Pearl's eyes followed Amethyst. She rolled her eyes as she sighed.

"She likes you." Pearl blurted suddenly.

I stopped mid-action when I was about to take another bite at my food. "What?"

"We've been with her for years Peridot. With the nicknames and blushing she's been making, it's pretty obvious that she has something for you." Pearl uttered.

I suddenly felt obliged to feel the same way. But the thought of it didn't really made me happy. There aren't really any sparks when I see her. I exhaled quite heavily then left my unfinished food.

Heading back towards my room, I quickly paced to the bathroom then brushed my teeth. I gotta get out of here before any drama happens.


"Hey." Lapis greeted as I grabbed my things inside my locker. My eyes looked at her, my lips gave out a weak smile.

I know I should be forgetting about Amethyst by now, but she's all I can think off. I feel sad for her, I know how it feels to be rejected and I don't want that to happen to her.But remember Peridot, you can't just give up yourself like that. You have the right to follow your heart's desire and be happy too. It's like I'm hearing my mom.

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