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"You idiot. Were you trying to kill her? We can't afford another funeral. Jesus--"

"But she's not dead. You should be glad."

Who are these unfamiliar voices? My head felt so heavy and I couldn't see anything. It felt like my head was covered in cloth. I was sitting upright but my movement was restrained. I tried tugging by my limbs.

"Oh she's awake."

"Should we give her another shot?"

"Motherfucker- are you trying to overdose her?"

"Why can't we just kill her?

"Who's the boss here? Why the fuck are you answering back? You're just a buff bitch, you can't match up with my authority."

"... Sorry."

Oh fuck. Fuck. FUCK. The other one is Jasper. It HAS to be her. I should be scared, why am I not scared? They could do anything to me. Why the hell am I not feeling fear?

Every part if my body felt numb. I couldn't feel a single thing. But I did feel something that struck me on the side if my head. It hit me hard as I let out a loud grunt.

"Be quiet you bitch. If you weren't such a mommy's girl then none of this would've happened."

A guy spoke. I was still pretty much fucked up, finally, and slowly. I was starting to feel the fear and pain.

"Should I take off the bag?"

"Please do."

I was greeted with bright, bright light. It took me a few seconds to adjust to the light. And when I did, I quickly spun my head to look at a guy who had his arms crossed, and Jasper. Jasper looked so happy to see me in pain, she was grinning at me as she held the bag that covered my head tightly. She lifted the bag near to her face as she took a good inhale at it. What the fuck.

"Smells like fear." She had that sinister smile plastered on her face. It added more to intensify the horror that was starting to take over me.

"Take off her duct tape." The guy ordered Jasper.

I only noticed then that my mouth was covered in duct tape. Jasper mercilessly held my jaw too hard, it felt like it could break any moment. She then pinched my cheek to grab the end of the tape, her nail digging in. I was starting to feel every single pain, ranging from her harsh touch to the uncomfortableness of the chair.

"Aww, look. She's crying. How cute." The guy said as he went closer. He wore a scarf and a shirt, with knee length shorts. You can tell by his looks that he was rich. The scent of his cologne filled my lungs that was too strong.

"Rip it off." He ordered.

My head swung to the same direction where Jasper peeled. It felt like my mouth went along with the tape.

"Oh shiiit. Fucking nasty." The guy took a few steps back and looked away. Shaking his head.

"Bleed motherfucker, bleed." Jasper held my neck, choking me. Her face near me as I gasped for air. I started coughing as I noticed drops of blood flew it's way to her face. My lips felt wet, that's when I knew my lips were bleeding.

My head started to feel light, everything was hurting. Is this it? Am I going to die now?

I remembered every single thing from when I was a child, up to where I met Lapis. Huh, Lapis. Who knew I'd still remember her even in times like this.

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