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This story part contains light smut.
(Peridot's P.O.V.)

"Fuck.. Nghhh.." Lapis moaned as I kissed her neck and tried to leave hickeys. She was leaning her back on the head rest of the bed while I straddled her thighs.

Like I said before, we always somehow end up making out whenever were alone. Don't worry were still fully clothed. But I really really love showering her with kisses.

I slid my lips towards her collar bone and planted kisses there. Lapis giggled and tried to softly push me. "Your breath is tickling me." She smiled dearly.

"You tickle my heart." I cupped her cheeks and went in to kiss her lips. She pushed her tongue in, I took it gladly. Our tongues swirled at each other as moans and subtle gasp of air escaped our mouths.
We both pulled out at the same time to breathe.

"Your words are fucking gold." She said before going in again. At some point, I got pinned down on the bed.

"Do you want to continue?"

Surprisingly, I wasn't feeling it. Not that I don't wan't Lazuli, it's just, you know, like.... You want to be with them not only because of sex but also because you want to cuddle them because nothing more would make you happy until you hold them while you sleep-- or something like that.

"Do you want to?" Honestly, it's up to her. If we fuck or not I would still be happy.

"I just want to kiss you repeatedly until my lips forget how to be lips." She replied, leaning in slightly then stared deep into my eyes.


I kissed her again. We just ate our faces out for the whole night. Well, we stopped at midnight because I accidentally slept while she kissed me on the neck and her fingertips scratching my scalp. I just fucking love that. When you run your fingers through my hair? Fuck I could orgasm from the soothing feeling it gives me.

I think I had a dream about marrying Lazuli and we were having our honeymoon in a beach. She scooted closer to me then opened her mouth to say something; "I love you."

Maybe that was the meaning of my dream while I was traveling my way here, sleeping on the car. Maybe that's what she's been trying to say since the beginning. Maybe my dreams are like prophecies? Fucking weird but y'know. It could happen lol.

The next thing that happened was waking up. It was already the end of November.

My eyes blinked the faint sunlight. The room was slightly given life. I 'm surprised that the sun still shines at this time.

"Mmhh.." My girlfriend moaned beside me. Her arm wrapped around my stomach as she hid her face on the crook of my neck. She started doing a sleepy twitch. OHMYGOD.

"Peridot?" Her breath fanned down on my neck.

"Why are you shaking?"

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"Nothing-- err, continue sleeping."

"Whaaaat." She went on top of me. Her smug grin and ocean eyes greeting me.

"Sleep." Was all I could mutter quietly, her mesmerizing beauty always gets me.

Lapis smirked then lay her head gently on my chest. "What are you thinking?" Her voice vibrated, kinda like how your phone rings on your pocket? But instead it's in your chest.

"You." I whispered.

She giggled at me. "You know, I can't imagine a day without you." Lapis started, snuggling deeper as her body became heavier. "I would literally lose my shit if we get seperated."

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