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I don't get it. What happened?

I woke up. My life feels like a never ending dream. I woke up in the infirmary. The digital clock shone one thirty four in the morning.

There were bandages and my face felt numb. I tried moving my arms and legs but they felt hard to move. I let out a frustrated grunt.


I heard a familiar voice. There she was, Lapis Lazuli. Staring at me beside the window that looked like she's been staring on. Her eyes looked tired. It looked like she didn't sleep. Plastic bags and instant cup noodles were scattered on the floor.

"Oh my God Peridot." Lapis neared me, her voice cracked because she was about to cry. She wanted to hug me but held back. It looked like I was heavily damaged and that a single touch could possibly kill me.

With my aching head, I asked her. "What... happened..?" I felt that my lips where covered in cotton.

"Y-you were in a coma for three weeks." She let her tears flow down.

I have been in a coma?

Did that mean that everything happened these past days was only... my imagination? Never a glimpse of reality? I have been sleeping my ass off but my mind was making these scenes that seemed to be real??

So I lived a lie?

So I didn't cheat?

Lapis didn't fuck Kevin?

I never saw Pumpkin?

"What date is it?" My voice was starting to come back.

Lapis sniffed then rubbed her eyes. "November four."


"Aren't you busy?" I let out. Wait, it was only a dream what if she's-

"I am, but you're my priority." She whispered. "I can't stand to leave you, knowing what Jasper and Kevin have done." She scoffed at the names.

For once, I actually felt happy. I felt happy because it was only a dream, everything seemed to be much more clearer now. It made sense now. Come to think of it, these past days where... um I mean my "dream" was so random but at the same time made sense.

Thank God I didn't make out with Amethyst, thank God Lapis didn't touch Kevin, thank God it was all a nonsense dream.

"By the way, I made a drawing for you." She took out her ipad from her bag. It made me see how messy the place was. It made me realize that Lapis did really wait for me to wake up and did not leave me at all. It was so sweet.

She showed me the drawing.

She showed me the drawing

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"Why do I look mad there." I giggled.

"That was the look you gave me when you ignored me for a week and I called your name out for lunch." She laughed.

So everything was true but except after I was saved. We didn't make out, our talks weren't real. Oh and the filipino dude wasn't real too I guess.

"Peridot I missed you so bad." She suddenly said. Placing down the ipad. Her voice states everything. She didn't have to say anything now. I was already cleared and I knew one thing that was so true and that thing was the only thought I needed until the day I die.

Lapis Lazuli loves me.

And I love her back. So much.


OKAY THERE. Three updates in one day! I was scared to lose ReefStarStorys or anyone for that matter, so here. Hope this clears everyone T__T

I love you all so much I can't stand to see all of u in pain because of Peridot's dumb decision.

Ok now I'll cry for two weeks straight and forget to update lol jks love u. I will update soon hehez.😘😂

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