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We reached the nearly filled classroom and took a seat at the front since it was the only seat left for us. The seats were half a ruler apart so I was still close to Lazuli. I leaned in to my right and used my hand as a rest for my chin.

I saw Lapis looked at me at my peripheral vision. I pretended that I wasn't aware of her intent stare.

"You know you look so cute." She spoke. Causing me to blush.

"H-how come?" I was out of words. My head was going in frenzy mode.

"I don't know, you just look so adorable." She half smiled.

Ugh that half smile is killing me. Wait Peridot... You shouldn't get flustered just like that! C'mon, say something cool.

"Well, you look very pretty."

WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT? "You look very pretty"??? VERY PRETTY? The fuck, am I a kid or what?

"Thanks. You flatter me." She grinned.

I couldn't tell wether if it was sarcastic or genuine. But what I said was enough for me to go back to my shy self. I guess being confident isn't really for me.

Just then our professor walked in. The chatters of the students stopped. Making the room deafeningly silent.

"Good morning class, I don't feel like talking any one of you shitheads so just stand up from your seat and introduce yourselves. I won't be listening." He plumped down on the seat and threw his papers on the table.

All of us looked at each other, wondering who should go first.

"By the way my name's Marty." He stood up again then wrote his name on the whiteboard behind him. "Call me mr. M if you want." Professor Marty plumped down back at his seat.

His hair is white, he wore a leather jacket and he looked like a former stunt man or a rockstar.

"You go first newt." He pointed at me.

I felt myself melting, all the student's eyes were on mine. Ugh, cons of seating in front when you're a shy fuck.

My legs straightened shakily. Luckily there was a sudden wave of confidence flashing over me.

"My name's Peridot Olivine-"

"Woah woah," Mr. Marty sat up properly.

"The Olivine? The one who's mom just recently died?" He looked at me intently. I hated how he was straightforward. I wouldn't prefer the word 'died'.

"Yes sir." I gulped.

"My apologies about the accident and such." He suddenly had a calm voice. Like he's sharing his sympathy with me.   

"It's okay sir. I don't want to talk about it for now." It was true. I didn't want to feel sad and cry all over again. There's a separate time for sorrow and despair. And today is not the time.

Mr. Marty nodded as he relaxed back down at the chair. Now actually giving a damn about what we were saying.

I sat down then Lapis stood next.

"Lapis Lazuli." She said effortlessly. Sitting back down once finished.

Then everyone just started saying their names. A lot of us were here. There's this other girl who caught my attention, her name was Zircon.

"Hello everyone, I'm Aquamarine." I looked back at her and had my eyes slightly open.

She was short, and had this tear shaped drawing on her cheek. Weird.

Ocean Eyes (Lapidot fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now