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Sorry for the wait :( lots of stuff happened and I think I won't be able to post daily so... Anyways, have fun reading!

"Let's see here hmmm." Dr. Maheschwaren's breath fanned down my cheek as she checked the gash on the side of my head. Her fingers moved away my hair strands.
"You know you're lucky that you have short hair. We would've shaved it just to treat this cut." She chuckled.

Lapis stood on the end of the bed, her arms crossed and her face had a hopeful smile. A sling bag loosely draped on her shoulder. The place was already cleaned, no more instant cup noodles on the ground, and other stuff that made the room look messy.

"And it looks like you're all healed." Doctor sighed in approval. "Let me just give you some painkillers and you can go."

"Woah wait what's the painkiller for?" I asked, kind of shocked.

"Well, your bruises and your still healing rib might give you occasional pains. Sometimes they might become unbearable so I suggest you take some." Dr. Maheschwaren explained.

Lapis' little hopeful smile slightly went away.

"Don't worry it's not a big deal." Doctor said as she nodded towards Lapis, then left to get my medicine.

"I'm glad that we can get the hell out of here now." Lapis sighed.

"Oh why? Was it because of last night?" I teased. Her face getting red.

"I-I wasn't scared!" She huffed then crossed her arms. "Besides, you kissed me and my fear went away." Lapis continued with her last part like a whisper but I heard it clearly.

"Hmm? What's that?" I teased in more.

Lapis was as red as a tomato. I laughed at her getting so flushed. She's such a cute bean I want to protect her.

Dr. Maheschwaren got back in the room, there was a tiny box with a  smiley face on her hands. "Here are your pills." She stretched her arm out to hand me the box.

"Um thanks."

"By the way, only take it when you feel the pain--only one!" She warned.

"What's with the decoration though doc?" Lapis chuckled. While looking at the box that I already received.

"Well, no one stays in the infirmary that long so I added something cute to the box." She beamed. "You know, just to make your stay appreciated."

Lapis and I looked at each other then laughed. The doctor is doing a good job in everything in general.

The bandages on my body were all gone, I felt so alive and energetic. My legs pushed me out and on the side of the bed, I placed my feet gently on the ground. Once I tried to stand up, my knees went wobbly and I feel like a newborn baby. After weeks of being bed ridden, walking felt so new to me. But I got it after a few moments and my balance was alright.

Dr. Maheschwaren bid us goodbye as we walked out way out of the room, building, then into my dorm.


"Ooooh myyyy goooooooossshhhh!!" Pearl squealed while she helped us in. Lapis placed her hand on the bottom of my back.

"Sorry for intruding." Lapis said, she took off her shoes and helped me guide towards the couch.

I feel like an old lady

"Oh nooo, it's okay. I'm just glad Peridot is back and healed!" Pearl squawked. "Did you see Rose? She's the one who healed you, she told me about it." She rushed.

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