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Tomorrow will be the start of classes. Everything on these past few days felt, dumb and unecessary. Amethyst and Pearl tried to tag me along in their picnics and bonding. I mean yeah sure they're trying to help me ease after my mom died. I'm thanking them, but I just think it really isn't necessary. It even somehow irritated me.

I've been crying so hard my eyes can't barely even open.

Tons of tissue papers are crumpled on the floor.

I have never been so depressed. The last time I felt devastated was when dad died. That was when I was nine years old.

The door slowly creaked open as the hallway light peered in. "Hey Peri." Steven peeked. "You feeling any better?" He continued.

I kept quiet. I didn't feel like talking to anyone. Please just leave me alone for now.

"Um, dinner is ready. Just letting you know." Steven sighed then closed the door gently. The darkness swallowing me up again.

The thought of eating made me sick. If you guys want to make me eat, I want my mom's soup. I held the covers up my head.

I want to cry, but I feel like my tear sac is broken. I've had enough crying for the week.


I got startled. I sat up quickly and saw Garnet sitting on the side of my bed. It was dark, but I knew it was her since it smelled like iced coffee. How come I didn't hear her come in...

"I know life has been tough on you." She started.

I groaned then went back to hide under my blanket.

"But you have to at least eat something." She finished.

"I'm not hungry." Monotonously, I replied.

"Tomorrow's a big day. You have to." She stood up, I felt the bed release stress.

The door opened then closed again gently. Maybe she left.

She did have a point. But my body was too heavy to be carried. I wanted to stay limp for three more weeks.

I guess I should try eating a little bit.

My feet dragged me out of the bed then into the bathroom. The crumpled tissues are everywhere. I should also clean this up.

My hands turned the faucet as cold water started to splash out. I cupped the water then buried my face on my hands. I stayed that way for a few minutes then closed the faucet.

I looked over to my left and saw the shower. I should take a bath. Practically tugging myself towards it then opening the shower, super cold water started to flow.

I started to strip.

I didn't mind about the cold water, I actually felt numb... To everything.

Stepping inside antartica, it was only then when I realized that I was showering in the dark. Great I'm basically showering in snow and I didn't open the lights. Though I was already familiar with the structure of the bathroom, so I continued showering anyway.

My hand tried to feel and find where the shampoo was which I found quite fast. Aiming it above my head then squeezing it as I felt it slide down on my hair.

I took a deep sigh as I placed the shampoo back but it ended up falling somewhere else. I shrugged to myself then continued to wash my hair.

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