event in my life that might cause to stop posting new story parts.

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Hi guys. Guess what? I better explain..

Anyways, I decided to formally come out to my family earlier (8:00 pm May 10, 2018). It was our devotion hour, meaning that we have to read the bible and learn biblical stuff, then after that we tell something about what happened to our day, basically just, "Jesus and family bonding".

I decided to grow some fucking balls. Took a deep breath before saying, "Mom, Dad, I'm bisexual."

It was something very stupid of me to do, knowing that they HATED queer people. But I thought, what if they will accept me and it will be a turning table for them?

Guess who got shot down? :)


They didn't accept me. They told me "nalilito ka lang" (you're just confused)
"Ayusin mo nga buhay mo" (fix your life)
the worst one I heard was from my sister: "kadiri ka." (You're disgusting.)

And sooo many moooore hateful words. I mean, I've been bullied A LOT. But those coming from your family itself, is fucking heartbreaking.

It obviously didn't turn out well for me. How come, that my friends knew that I was queer and loved me regardless.
But my family can't?

after experiencing... that.

I just can't anymore.

My anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder. My family took it in nicely and supported me through out... 
But simply accepting me for who I am? They couldn't wrap their heads around it.

I can't take it. I have to take a break.

Someone to talk to would be fucking nice, but I don't want to drag anyone down with me.

I guess this is just a note to inform you about "why am I not posting anything?"

I hope you guys understand. Thank you for everything and sorry if this will be the last.

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