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Hulow, I'm back from a depressing break. The following story parts will be heavily dramatic bec I am an emotional lil lapidot fan trash lol.

I woke up to a tingling sensation on the crook of my neck. A body overlapped my left side. I looked over to check who it was. Thank GOD it was Lapis. Her breathing tickling the skin on my neck. Lol why was I thinking it could be someone else? Regardless of that thought-- why am I checking if my kidneys are still here? I watched myself as I slowly touched the sides of my stomach. Phew, my kidneys are still there.
For some dumb reason, I was expecting to wake up losing something, but no I really didnt. I woke to to a beautiful girl sleeping soundly on my body. Oh and I'm naked.

There was a knock on the door that both startled us. Lapis quickly rose up--paused for a moment-- then went back to the crook on my neck. Then another knock came. Lapis jumped out of the bed and did a fighting stance, "WHO's tHeRE??" She yawned.

I looked at her confused but that was REALLY funny. She still stood there, her eyes dropping and her firm stature falling. Oh and yes she's naked, do you want me to explain how she looks like?

VOL. 1
At the very bottom, you could see perfect feet with cute toes, she uses that for moving around.
If you look slightly upwards, you could see her slender legs, it's FUCKING SEXY I tell you.
Up to her knees then her thighs, ugh fuck me.
Next up, her absolute hips that had the right curve and width. I love feeling my hand around her curves.
Then her flawless, well toned stomach. You know what? Everything about me whenever I see Lazuli just screams "FUCK ME".
Uuuughhh her perky breasts--I swear everything about her is just so fucking perfect and I love her and I want her wait, no no no. I don't want her, I NEED her.
If you pan upwards from her chest, you will see her neck that has FOUR hickeys that I proudly made, one under her jaw, on the side of her neck, the other side of the neck but lower, then above her collar bone. It's payback time, since I was the only one being marked.
Here, finally, the most awaited part of her body. Her face. That gorgeous face, her lips that are already perfectly pink even without using any lipstick. Her nose that pointed, and her ocean eyes that had waves, endlessly crashing down on the shore. Her blue disheveled  but soft hair, I love her so much.
What's that? I missed her vagina? She's perfect. Everything about her is perfect. Now imagine a perfect vagana u detailed-sucking-horny human. Lol joke I love yall.

Abrupt, another knock came and this time it was loud and fast. Waking me up away from creating a book about Lazuli.

"Are you sleeping miss Olivine?" A voice from the other side of the door asked.

Panicking, I threw Lapis her clothes towards her as she quickly wore them while I wore mine. While pulling up my pants, I hurriedly reached the door as we casually acted like nothing happened. I was greeted by someone who looked like on their thirties or forties. White streaks were appearing on the strands of her hair.

"Good morning miss Olivine." She beamed.

I let out a nervous chuckle

"In case if you haven't known, I am Dr. Maheschwaren." She held her hand out for a shake in which I took and shook fast.

"So, obviously you looked better than your previous state." Dr. Maheschwaren nodded at me as she inspected my body.

"I guess you're free to go." Her eyes roamed around the room until she stopped at Lazuli.

"Oh hey are those rashes on your neck?" Doctor went closer to inspect Lazuli.

Lapis only stood as she was also curious what she's having on her neck, she didn't know yet what I did. Our eyes met then I gave out a mischievous grin. The bluenette realized what was on her neck.

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